Just finished my first book of the new year!
The Offbeat Bride: Taffeta-free Alternatives for Independent Brideas by Ariel Meadow Stallings
This was a mix between a memoir and helpful hints and tips for having your own non-traditional wedding. Ariel tells the story of how she and he husband managed to pull off a huge camping trip/raver-esque soiree for all their friends and family. They did not just get married, they celebrated a coming together of a community of people. She also sprinkles in random tips and tricks on how to have your own offbeat wedding. For those of us who don't want to do it all traditional, it came in very handy when trying to explain my beliefs to others about things.
Should you read it? Sure. It's an interesting perspective on not adhering to the norm of the wedding world.
It's Kind of Like...... Think Amber Brown all grown up and getting married. Very quirky, random spew of cursing, and loads of good ideas.
On a scale of 1 - 5 bookworms with 5 being the highest, I give it: 4. Some parts dragged a bit, but on a whole it was excellent.