Aug 13, 2007 17:17
Oy. Delayed flight last night. Got in at midnight, didn't get home and to bed until 1am, woke up at 7am, couldn't get back to sleep, pulled myself out of bed at 7:45am, grabbed a slimfast, then walked to my interview. Went really, really well. I'm keeping my other job because this job wants me working 9-1 M-F and I'm in class 10-12 M-Th. So we compromised. They were extremely impressed by my party facilitating skills and since I don't think I'll be working during Winter Session, I'm going to work there full-time and facilitate a few parties they do (like New Years, Christmas, etc). The students I would be working with are disabled adults, which is a new-ish realm for me (I've only worked with disabled kids), but they were so nice. Not only that, the lady who runs the program is the professor for a class I'm enrolled in this semester, so I'll be working with her every week. She said this kind of experience would look really good on my resume, especially since it's an art therapy position. So yeah, that was the outcome. I'm pretty stoked, too; finally getting to do what I want to do long before I ever make it to grad school is so exciting!
School starts in a week. I still have yet to hear from Financial Aid. Oy. This is very bad. And I need to remember to pick up my books tomorrow since I forgot to today. School should be interesting this semester, to say the least. I need to really focus on my schoolwork and keeping my grades up; I got my GPA back to a 3.0, but now I need to keep it there. I'm basically at the halfway point now; just need to focus and finish with flying colors.
Vacation was good. Got to spend time with my family, whom I love dearly. Yeah, we're loud and we're crazy, but that's just how we are, and I do love us for that. Sometimes you need that kind of crazy, the crazy-but-they're-just-like-you sort of crazy. I miss that. I always miss that whenever we all get together and then we go our separate ways. My mom and my sisters and my sister in law and my grandparents and my uncles and my aunt and all my cousins all under one roof. It's refreshing. I don't have to worry that my mannerisms won't make any sense or my words will confuse people or that everyone is laughing at me not to make themselves feel better, but because they've done what I just did. Us sisters bonded a bit with my mom, and I got to bond with my aunt, which can be seen as good. She's given me some really good ideas for scrapbooking a few things, and I cannot wait to get started on them. My mom and I are going to do some scrapbooking together, so that should be fun as well. Ah, the joys of family.
Job training is odd, but I'm dealing. I don't see a point to some parts, but there are other parts that I'm really enjoying. The counseling training is quite interesting and I'm learning a lot from it. I guess that's what they meant by needing a bit more guidance. Oh well. We all learn in our own ways. I just finished a delicious mediterranean meal and now I'm just chilling here with the music and downloading CLD Chimera's pics from Crown War. Trying to get copies of the whole weekend, but we'll see how that goes. For now, I'm just taking a breather.