So yesterday (8/10) my dog Katie went in and had CCL surgery on her left leg. It's weird her not being here. I picked up her toys and hid them for when she comes home and our living room looks...wrong. I feel weird.
The story:
We found out about 2 weeks ago that she tore her CCL after she went running with my folks and came back on 3 legs.
We made an appointment at an animal hospital the following day and found out that the only way to fix it, is surgery. She's having this:
TPLO Surgery We made an appointment with a surgeon for last Saturday and set a date.
The surgery is roughly $3000 and then with aftercare and whatnot, it's a grand total of around $4000. Yay!
We get to pick her up on Saturday. We get to have a nice and sedated puppy. My Mom and I are going to take turns during the week to stay with her so she won't be alone. She get's to be a total couch potato for 6 weeks.
Then, she has an x-ray to see how the bone is healing. Then another 6 or so weeks of potato-ness, then we start physical therapy.
The total healing time from start to finsh is roughly 5-6 months.
My baby!