May 25, 2004 18:11
[Name]: Rosetta
[Birthday]: 8*5*87
[Birthplace]: smith town
[Current Location]: PA
[Occupation(s)]: student
[Eye Color]: brown
[Hair Color]: dyed red
[Righty or Lefty]: righty
[Zodiac Sign]: leo
[Innie or Outtie]: innie
[Describe yourself in 3 words]: short, asian, chick
[Who is your worst enemy?]: i dont know
[If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?]: another cat
[What is the latest you've ever stayed up]: 1 1/2 days
[Ever been to Belgium?]: no
[What's your favorite coin?]: quarters
[Wallet]: i dont have one
[Jewelery worn daily]: well, for now a necklace
[Favorite top]: damnation and a day "cradle of filth" shirt
[Favorite pants/skirts!]: cut of shorts with the shirt listed above
[Favorite shoes]: black vans
[Cologne/Perfume]: ginger scents
[CD in stereo right now]: avril lavigne
[Tattoos]: no
[Piercings]:2 lobe and 1 upper ear
[Do you believe in love]: yes, but it can suck hard core
[Do you believe in love at first sight]: sometimes
[Do you believe in forgiveness]: yeah
[Your fears]: alone in the dark and spiders
[One thing you'd like to achieve]: have a relationship thats over a year
[Your most overused phrase on aim]: oh well
[The first feature you notice in the opposite sex]: sense of humor
[Think you're attractive]: ....not really
[Your best physical feature]: i dont know
[Been on stage]: i would be scared.... and that was 3 times
[Been trashed or extremely intoxicated]: no
[Best eye color]: hazel
[First kiss location]: in the woods
[four beverages you drink frequently]
1. root beer
2. red bull
3. chocolate milk
4. birch beer
[four places to go in your area]
1. video store
2. jesse's place was ok
3. brandon's house
4. the railroad bed
[five things to do when you're bored]
1. play games
2. talk on the phone
3. do one of these
4. watch tv
5. Sleep
[four things that never fail to cheer you up]
1. Friends
2. games
3. cradle of filth songs
4. going on the net
[four things you can't live without]
1. Friends
2. love
3. hope
4. cats
[seven things on your desk]
1. Computer
2. shreddd eraser
3. cds
4. games
5. cell phone
6. a phone
7. speakers
[Fave food]: tacos
[Fave color]: black and red
[Fave movie]: shrek
[Fave Animal]: cats
[Fave Holiday]: christmas
[Fave T.V. Show]: who's line
[Hottest Guy]: orlando bloom or johnny depp
[Fave band]: the rasmus, blink 182, sum 41, new found glory, and simple plan
[Fave Friends]: siene, sauce, and joe
[Fave sport(s)]: does ddr count?
[Are you in a relationship right now]: yeah
[Pepsi or Coke]: coke
[Beach or Snow]: beach
[Rainy or Sunny]: sunny
[Dark or Bright]: bright
DO YOU...?
[Have a best friend, if so who?]: siene and sauce
[Speak another language]: no
[Drive]: no
[Have a car]: no
[Who have you known the longest right now]: sean
[Who do you talk to online the most]: joe, manda and tof
[Who do you talk to on the phone most]: siene
[Who do you trust the most]: siene
[Who listens to your problems]: one knows all of them
[Who do you fight with the most]: jesse or siene
[Who is the smartest]: *snort*
[Who is the best singer]: no comment
[cussed someone out]: not really
[stayed up for 24 hours]: yeah
[gotten drunk?]: no
[gone a day w/out eating]: yeah
[talked on the phone all night:] for 4 hours the most
[been in bed w/the opposite sex]: yes
[smoked]: cigs
[made prank calls]: yea
[been in love]: .......
[slept all day]: i wish
[killed someone]: no
[been out of the country]: Nope
[told a guy/ girl you loved them]: yea
[if yes, did you mean it]: yea
[gone skinny dipping]: No
[kissed someone you didn't know]: no
[thought you were going crazy]: i can be sometimes
[threatened someone]: yea
[asked out a member of the opposite sex]: yea a few times