
Sep 03, 2006 23:35

How Cold is Your Heart? ^Pretty Pics^ Many Outcomes

You are lukewarm! Your heart is good and whole, but you have built a wall around it, so no-one can see the true you. Shine, and show your colours-you will make a beautiful rainbow.Please rate and message!
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So what would you look like as an anime character, oh ive only got girls here... but if people like it then i could make a guy o

you are a very opinionated person... you love to be in control... and hate it when your wrong... if you ever are. you make a great leader... but your firey nature does make some people feel intimidated... your very pretty but either dont care or care to much... vanity and pride can be your weaknesses... b ut who doesnt have a few weaknesses?
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div style="width:530; background-color:rgb(216,233,237); text-align:center;">

Everyone has a secret ability. What is yours? (7 answers with pics)

Psionics is your specialty.You seem to know every thought that comes to everyone's minds and every word before it comes out of anyone's mouth. You know the answer before the question, and can at some times detect the truth from the lies. You are a mysterious person, an enigma many people find puzzling. However, they tend to stay away from you, due to the fact that you know what they are thinking. Only a selected few, who can brave your all-knowing mind actually befriend you. You are loyal only to those who actually made the first move to becoming your friend. To them, you share some secrets, but you still remain an enigma.
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