(no subject)

Jun 05, 2005 00:34

I drained and cleaned that pool all by myself in one day, dammit! Somehow I managed to get a minor sunburn on my arms but it was cloudy all day. My uncle didn't come over today because he wasn't feeling well. He will probably be here tomorrow though, assuming he is better. Someone who is not good is my sister's boyfriend/husband. They've been together for like 10 years so they're practically married (and have 2 kids). This afternoon he went into a seizure for some unknown reason and the ambulance took and did a "scoop and run" where they pick up the patient and rush to the hospital. I haven't heard a whole lot back about how he's doing but supposedly his test results have all been normal so far. I got the shit straightened out with Lauren. It was just another example of how mangled communication can be on the Internet. There's no way to tell what's happening on the other end of the conversation unless you're actually there. I would go into further detail but since it's all settled I figure I shouldn't bother with it. The pool is filling back up as we speak. It's hard to believe that just 12 hours ago it was full of green water and now there's already a foot of fresh (and cold) water in it. Hopefully I will become tired soon because I would like to get up tomorrow morning. Good night!
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