May 18, 2005 04:42
Well I am still screwed up as far as sleeping goes. I went over to Tim's around midnight and came back around 2am. I tried sleeping for an hour but it didn't happen.
I had a relatively interesting day today. I was outside doing some work earlier when my mom told me that I had a phone call. It was Kristina from Marion. She claimed to be across the street from my house and sure enough she was. I told her to come on over and she did. She had her friend Christina with her and they stayed here for maybe 10 - 15 minutes. It was a cool visit even though I was looking my worst at the time. I spent a majority of the remainding evening at my computer.
I talked to Lauren for a while online and I apologized for getting this crush on her so soon. I mentioned that I'm thinking more with my brain than my heart now, which is more realistic. She's still cool and I am still interested in her, but it definitely would be best if I got to know her personally before any sort of decision is made. I feel as if I pushed myself onto her and that was not right, although I was expressing my true feelings at the time. The problem with me is that I have been deprived of recognition and respect in the past and when I receive it from someone else I think that there might be something there. I'm not saying that there isn't anything there... I honestly don't know, but I surely should have waited longer before opening up so much. It's all good though. Everyone is friends and that's the most important thing.
I also talked to Sammi earlier. She seemed to be a little upset about something but she wished not to elaborate, which is fine. If you're reading this Sammi (which I know you are :-P) just hang in there. What ever is bugging you will eventually go away. I've been there and done that. Life can suck at times but what you gotta do is just take those punches and then get back up on your feet and move on forward. I believe that a person becomes stronger for what they have dealt with throughout their lifetime, so there is something positive to whatever is going on.
I watched a pretty bizarre episode of House last night. Carmen Electra showed up in the fantasy-like first half of the show. The last 15 minutes were quite emotional though. If I was in a depressed mood I surely would have cried. Season finale is next Tuesday at 9! It's also good to know that FOX has signed up the show for a 2nd season. Hugh Laurie does such a great job portraying House. I had no idea that he talked with a British accent in real life (he's from Oxford), but I did know that he doesn't really have a gimping ligament.
This weekend should still be fun. The transmission on Chris' new (used) car went to the shit so now he's gonna have to either take his old car or his mom's. So far the local people that I've invited to our get together haven't really decided what they're gonna do. I know that Tim will be here most of the time. Nick may be coming over as well but he's going to be in the parades on Thursday and Saturday. I was hoping to get some chicas over here to even it out a bit. Lauren has her group of friends that she will be hanging out with. Kristina has to work until 5pm on Saturday but she says she might come out later. I'm supposed to meet up with Kelly at some point. She just got back from college last week. Everyone has my temporary cell number so I guess I'll end up playing it by ear (no pun intended).
There's some other things going on in my life that are cool. I talked with Julie last night and we're cool now. A while back we had a disagreement and I decided not to speak with her for a while. Tim is trying to get back together with her but I'm not sure whether that would be a good thing or not. He has a lot of stressful events going on in his life and committing to a relationship would probably only make it more complex. There's always room for friends though.
Let's see... what else can I think of. I haven't heard from Kristina (my ex, not the same one I speak of above) in a while. I assume that she is angry with me for something I said the other night. She had informed me that she needed to wake up at 7am to call her boyfriend and make sure he was up and ready for work. Supposedly she takes him to and from as well. It is a kind gesture of her to do that, but it seems to me as if she is being taken advantage of. It almost seems to me as if he lives off of her. I mentioned something along the lines of her enjoying "being used and abused". Yeah I was a bit of an ass, but you know how I am. If a friend of mine is being taken advantage of I'm not just going to sit there and not express my feelings about it.
I think that just about does it for now. I'm sitting here in the dark with my shirt off and yes I know you all wanted to know that. I've been noticing the lack of comments on here lately so from now on I'm going to keep this journal open to the public for comment. It would just be kind if you mentioned who you were, otherwise it will log you as being Anonymous. Enjoy your day!