Sep 06, 2006 09:05
So with all the recent "big brother"esque changes to facebook, I have decided to start up the LJ again. It does surprise me that with all the uproar they have still not retracted the mini feed. Creepy... Anyway, yesterday was the first day of the semester and it was glorious. I went in and did some office hours in the morning (no, not like TA office hours, but office work for my job in admissions) and then went to class at 1. My once a week class yesterday was fiction workshop and it was a lot of fun. My teacher is this guy who i think is around late fourties but still dresses and acts like he's twenty, which normally would annoy me, but in his case it really works. Today I have Physics, then Econ History, and finally at 6 (my first night class ever!) Intermediate Microecon. It's been crazy beautiful at school, but also hella hot. Chew on that sentence for a bit...Ok, i think i'm gonna peace, hopefully there will be more where this came from!