it's been a good day

Jan 17, 2006 18:50

today was actually really good. way better than i expected. had psych class this morning. our professor thought it would be fun to play a little trick on our class to show how certain chemicals/neurons. she looked to one side of the class (somehwere behind my seat) and asked if someone had a cell phone out and asked if they could put it away. then later she looked over to the other side of the room and saw someone else with a cell phone out. now, keep in mind there are about 600 people in this class, it's pretty easy to not see a cell phone even if someone has it out. so she gets angry and starts yelling all this crap. then you can see people on that side of the room looking at each other. and she started yelling 'excuse me! what did you say?!' and things like that. then she said she was going to talk to that person after the class. then after more yelling, "we're going to the dean's office together." then she told everyone to take out a piece of paper because we were having a pop quiz thanks to the person who wouldn't put their cell phone away. so she asked a few questions, then for the last question she said "my heart rate is" and she asked if we all knew how to take our heart rate. then she started laughing and said "haha. i'm just kidding." then asked who's mouth was dry, who's heart rate was higher than it was a few minutes before, who had to go to the bathroom, etc. to show that's what neurons or whatever to do your body when you get in certain situations. at least she apologized to everyone on the one side of the room who were all having her yell in their direction but didn't know who she was talking about. that was.. interesting.

then not too much.. came home, ate lunch, finally dragged my ass up to north campus. passed on the two-hour tutorial for STK (satellite tool kit--a computer program to see the ground tracks of satellites and things like that) and i did the 15-minute example scenario. then Chris got online. that was nice. i don't get to talk to him often, and he was online for about 2 hours today. :-) made my day. i'm in such a good mood right now. and it definately made my homework time more interesting. i had to sit and draw the Teal for my computer design class. (the Teal is a small airplane built by a former UM aerospace professor and it is now sitting in the aerospace building lobby.) so i talked to him while i made the most awesome drawing of the Teal. it was a good time. then i spent a couple hours learning STK with some people in another class working on the same satellite. i was expecting it to suck. it wasn't the most exciting time, but i was still in a good mood so it wasn't so bad and went by pretty quickly. then took a little run to the bus stop (not fun to do with my laptop in my backpack) so i wouldn't miss the bus and have to wait 15 minutes for another one (which sucks since it only takes like 10 minutes to get home on the bus). now home for dinner and relaxing for a bit before some reading. i think it might be time for a little bit of Edy's slow churned french vanilla ice cream. yummy! low fat ice cream that actually tastes good! :-)
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