i'm feeling much better today. i don't know how considering i still wasn't well last nite and i stayed up till 1:45 and i had an 8 o'clock theory class this morning. anyways....skipped italian and went to chapel choir on "dress like steve brennfleck day" and people thought i was participating (NO......i just wanted to look sophisticated today). then i was locked outta my room cause i left my keys in it. off to music theater lab where we practiced for the ritzy Meryl Lynch Gala. we're singing "another openin', another show", "seasons of love" and "make our garden grow". i just have to say though that i will be singing the male solo in "seasons of love". i was soooo psyked!!!!! tonite is our homecoming dance and then some fun with the cool kids afterward. i'll tell ya about it tomorrow.
innocent kiss - you're cute and sweet and like it
that way
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