Title: Starstruck
Summary: At such a young age, Spike is the hottest actor around. A visit to a high school changes everything when he finally comes across the one girl he's been searching for, but she's not exactly what he expected.
Pairing(s): Buffy/Spike
Genre(s): Angst/Drama/Romance
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me.
Chapter 13
Buffy cried out when Ted gripped her hard by the wrist, yanking her upstairs and shoving her into her room, where her mother was tied to a chair, a piece of cloth in her mouth. Buffy ran to the older woman’s side. Her mom had cuts and bruises adorning her features, but she was alive.
“I’m so sorry, Mom. I should have been here.” She turned back to Ted, a look of pure malice on her face. “Why can’t you just leave us alone?”
He scowled at her. “You don’t know how awful it is to have to hide in your own town. I knew I had to make you pay, one way or another. You have been a very bad girl, Buffy. I think your mother has a right to know what a little whore she raised. I installed a camera in here before I took off, and caught every nasty little thing you did with that boy. It was disgusting; you need to pay for your sins.”
“God, do you even listen to yourself? It’s nothing but bullshit, you killed a man and now you’re accusing me of being a sinner? You’re demented.”
Ted shrugged, grabbing her by the shirt and throwing her down on the bed. “This is how it’s going to be, little lady.” He snatched up the knife that he left on her desk, trailing the sharp blade down her cheek. “To teach you a lesson, I’m going to rape you while your mother watches. Joyce will see that you enjoy everything I do to you, therefore proving even more what a complete slut her daughter is. If you don’t cooperate, I’ll kill her right in front of you. And then, I will torture that boyfriend of yours for daring to touch what is mine.”
Buffy spat in his face, not about to let him intimidate her any longer. “I was never yours, you sick fuck! You’re not touching me ever again.”
He took a step back, nodding after a moment. “I see you wish to do this the hard way. So be it.”
Buffy screamed when Ted raised the weapon in her mother’s direction, but before he could do anything, gunshots filled the room and Ted dropped the knife, blood oozing out of two holes in his chest, causing him to crash to the floor. She was stunned, looking up to see Spike in the doorway, a gun in his hand. Buffy broke herself out of her stupor and hurried over to her mother’s side, untying the elder woman, who burst into tears as soon as she was free. Buffy wrapped her arms around Joyce, relieved that they were both safe. Once the crying died down a bit, she focused her attention on Spike, who still looked shocked by what just happened. Buffy stood up to move over to him, taking the gun out of his hand. “Where did you get this?”
Spike broke out of his reverie at her concerned voice. “I went back out to the patrol car, found it on the floor. Is he really dead?”
Buffy glanced back at Ted to see him in the same position; it didn’t look like he would be going anywhere. “I think so.”
“I’ve killed a lot of people, but it’s never been real before.”
“You did it to save us, Spike. There’s no telling what could have happened if you didn’t show up when you did, and for that we’re very grateful,” Buffy explained.
He took her in his arms, smothering kisses all along her face to assure himself that she was all right.
Police barged through the house then, firearms raised as they stormed the upstairs.
“Is everyone okay?”
Spike nodded. “We are now; he’s the one you want.”
One of the officers felt for a pulse to determine that Ted was really dead, carrying him outside to be taken to the local morgue.
“I would like you all to come down to the station; we just have a few questions to ask.”
“Can that wait until tomorrow?” Spike wondered. “It’s been a very stressful night. I think we could use some sleep right now.”
The officer nodded and left the house.
Buffy pulled away from her boyfriend after a few seconds, locating the camera that Ted admitted he installed to spy on her, and crushing it under her foot.
* * * * *
“You can’t expect for me to leave now. After everything that’s happened, I need to be here for you.”
Buffy shook her head. “You have to go, this movie is really important to you. I’ll be fine; Ted’s not an issue anymore. We told the police everything that happened, and his death was a result of self defense. There’s nothing more for you to do, you’re already behind schedule since you chose to stay a few extra days.”
Spike agreed, even though he didn’t like it. “As soon as filming is done, I’m coming straight back here.”
“I have no doubts,” she replied.
“Okay, time to head to the airport,” Angel told them. “Are you coming with us?”
Buffy gave Spike’s hand a squeeze as they left the hotel. “No, I’ll be an even bigger spaz if I have to say goodbye at the airport. Besides, I promised my friends I would meet them at the Bronze.”
He hugged her one more time, kissing her lips sweetly. “I’ll call as soon as I land.”
“I’ll be waiting.”
Spike followed Angel to the car, and with one last look at his love, got in after him.
She watched as they drove away, finally letting the tears fall.
* * * * *
“Come on, ladies, I’m dancing all by my lonesome out there.”
Buffy let out a sigh. “You go ahead, Will, I’m not in a dancing mood.”
“Are you sure?”
She nodded. “Yeah, one of us should be having fun tonight.”
Willow got up to join Xander on the dance floor, laughing at his crazy moves.
Buffy still hadn’t forgiven her friend for his remarks about Spike, and now realizing it was most likely because he had feelings for her in the romantic sense, she was finding it hard to be around him. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, she went to answer it to see that Spike left her a text message before he boarded the plane, basically just saying how much he loved her. The next couple of months could not go by fast enough.
* * * * *
She entered the house to see her mom sitting on the couch, watching some old movie. Buffy sat beside her, not knowing what to say. Her mother hadn’t spoken much since what happened with Ted, and Buffy was really beginning to worry about her.
“Have you eaten anything yet?”
Joyce remained silent, only shaking her head.
Buffy stood up. “I’ll make us something, and that hot chocolate you love. With those little marshmallows, right?” She left to the kitchen without waiting for a response, not that she was expecting one. Everything was becoming too much for her, she covered her face and sobbed into her hands. Buffy thought things would start getting back to normal now that Ted was gone, but some scars would take a lot longer to heal.