let's talk about movies

Oct 11, 2011 10:32

Last night I watched Chance and The Air I Breathe.

Let's talk about Chance first...

Is it terrible to say that James Marsters is a better actor than Amber Benson?  That being said, I did like Amber in the movie.  Her character gave me a new appreciation, because although I like Tara she was never *GREAT* in my opinion.  Um, and the stinky armpits bit?  Kinda grossed me out not gonna lie.

After that I watched The Air I Breathe...

Love, love, love, love Sarah Michelle Gellar in this movie.  WAS THIS MOVIE IN THEATERS??  Because I sure as hell don't remember it, and it was only four years ago.  There were a ton of awesome actors in it (Brendan Fraser, Andy Garcia, Forest Whitacer, EMILE HIRSCH!, and although I usually don't like him Kevin Bacon was all right in this movie).  It had that whole Crash vibe where everyone's interconnected.  I thought it was well acted and pretty powerful.  Anyone else see this movie?  I'm on a total SMG kick right now, my next movie to watch is Southland Tales.

Speaking of SMG...Is anyone watching Ringer?  I have to say it is definitely getting better with each episode.  I thought that I would be shipping Henry/BridgetasShioban because I love Kristoffer Polaha, but strangely enough the Brits win again and I'm starting to ship Andrew/BridgetasShioban.  I really don't have a lot of love for Shoiban.  Maybe it's because they've done nothing to build up her character?  Ringer is like Gossip Girl for adults and I LOVE GOSSIP GIRL!  Amber Benson is going to guest star in the 10th episode.  Hopefully Ringer starts doing better in the ratings.

amber benson, movies, tv: ringer, sarah michelle gellar

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