America 2007

Jun 29, 2007 03:15

So I'm finally here. I got one goodbye message, thanks!

Kaja has apparently decided not to see me before she leaves, but I gave her a choice, so...

Yesterday I left for the US. I got up at 4:15 am, and my plane from Sola left at 6:50am. From there on I went to Amsterdam, and then over to Georgia, Atlanta (that flight was 9 hours long...). The plane was an hour delayed on the way over to St. Louis, but that's okay.

When I got to Lambert, St. Louis, I was met by Elizabeth, Ashley, Karen and Patty. We all went looking for a place to eat, but couldn't fine any, so we ate at the Muny, where we all went to see Grease.

The show was great, but halfway through the second act, it started raining. And since the Muny is an out-door theatre, we had to leave because the show stopped.

Then we got home, I met Charles again (my cousin), and then I went to bed, really tired (so tired I spoke Norwegian to Ashley...)

Today we went to Wal Mart and the outlet mall. I got tons of stuff, and new shoes and underwear at the mall.
Tomorrow we are not really doing anything, but on Saturday we're going to Six Flags, and then Sunday is the 4th of July parade in Warrenton! Yay! Tuesday's the City Museum, which I hear is a LOT of fun.

Here's this year's first Starbucks:

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