Title: A New Day - Chapter 12 - Tomorrow is a New Day
By: joyful_dayz
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Rated: Mild R for vague sexual references and violence
Genre: Romance, Drama
Setting: Season 7
Summary: An alternate end of Season 7, with spoilers through the series end, twisted and shuffled to suit me. Previously, Spike and Buffy have wed vampire style, quadrupled their powers, and have new hope for the future. Not everyone agrees with what they have done.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, am associated with no one. I simply delight in Spike and Buffy’s joy after she gets over her waywardness.
Chap 12 Words: 2490
Thank you so much,
ladyforash for betaing this story!
Thank you everyone who has read and reviewed! You have no idea how much I appreciate you.
Author’s note: “A New Day” is the sequel to “To Wed a Vampire”. It follows directly after the events in that story. To understand what is going on, please read “To Wed…” first.
To Wed a Vampire (
A New Day - Previous chapters (
Chapter 12 - Tomorrow is a New Day (