Title: Loved Till I Stumbled
blue_icy_rosePart: 1/1
Pairings: Spike/Buffy
Rating: PG
Warnings: AU. Everyone's human in this one, folks.
Summary: I drank till I stumbled, I loved till I fell. When the drunk part was over, love hurt me like hell.
Disclaimer: I don't own Spike, Buffy, or anything else associated with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They belong to Joss Whedon. The song that this was inspired by belongs to Kenny Chesney.
Note: I haven't written Spuffy in forever it seems. But I had this sitting on my computer from who knows when and decided to post it. Right now it's just a one shot but you never know, there could be a sequel down the road. Until then, enjoy and feedback is always welcome!
Inspired by the song Being Drunk's A Lot Like Loving You by Kenny Chesney. It's also where the title and summary came from.
Loved Till I Stumbled