Fic: Interlude I : Cocoa

May 21, 2013 14:29

Title: Interlude I : Cocoa
Fandom: BtVS
Characters/Pairings: Willow, Buffy, mentions of Buffy/Pike and Buffy/Spike
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 2000+
Warnings: Post-Series, mentions of character death
Notes: This story mentions parts of the movie as well, but ignores season 8 comics and any other Buffy books. This is the third part of my Spuffy Hot Chocolate series. Previous stories are Hot Chocolate and Bittersweet.

Buffy shook her head. “I’ve decided to break the pattern of dating guys with leather jackets. No good ever came of that.”

Willow thought for a moment. “I don’t think two makes a pattern.”

Buffy looked down at the mug in her hands, tapping her fingers lightly against the side. “Three,” she said quietly.
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