Title: A Twinlets (Anti) VD
Rating: NC-17. REALLY NC-17.
xela-ficPairing: Spillfy (Spike/William/Buffy)
Summary: 12 pages of smutty smutty Spike/William/Buffy smut. Spillfy gets to go to a Halloween on Valentine's costume party, and find themselves a bit carried away by their costumes. Dedicated to
liz-a-summers (blood faerie) since this is really all her fault: heh, you need to write a story - maybe for valentines - where maybe buffy gets the twins to dress up like Jareth and Jack Sparrow, heehee - and jackie has to show up at some point (if you kill him or bash him, i will do bad things to you). This fic exists in my Twinlets world, but works as a stand-alone.
Warnings: Kink, Language, Taboo, Sexual Situations, Twincest, Threesomes, smut, spanking, mild d/s, dom!Spike, sub!Will and sub!Buffy
Spillfy Smut Thiiiiiiiiiis way! x-posted to other places.