March 12th, 2006
Holy Fucking Toast, I'm late with an update! Yeah things outside the world of Spudmunkey got a little busy, and I fell behind, not excuses, well other then that one. I'm working on improving my use of background, so I put in a little extra time on them because I'm anal retentive about crap like that. If anyone's thinking about seeing a movie this week, save your getting sick for St. Patty's Day, and avoid
Ultraviolet like the plague! Don't get me wrong I like my share of crappy movies, but this isn't one of them. Horrible plot, bad meshing of effects with ongoing action, and overly choreographed fight scenes just made it kinda like waiting in line at an amusement park for an hour and a half only to find it was the line for the bathroom. Yeah , kinda shitty. On a positive note I caught a glimpse of the new remodel of the Nintendo DS, the
DS Lite, and it is looking sweet as hell!, I must have one, my...precious....