Food and friends

Jan 12, 2009 12:58

On Friday, I made a disastrous soup. I excitedly pulled out my new stock pot, threw in the ingredients, and peeled 3 lbs. of sweet potatoes. Chopping them up took work, too! Then I added peanut butter. This recipe came from Bob Greene: The Best Life Diet Cookbook. So it was also supposed to be good for you. When Mom and Dad came over, Mom brought a blender to puree it, and what came out was the consistency of baby food. It tastes like peanut butter baby food. We all sat down to eat it, and while Dad ate it (and asked, "what's the next course?"), Mom and I didn't really delve into it. My only thought was, why did I make this? I don't care much for soup, except for veggie and tomato, so ... it's a mystery! It had probably had to do with wanting to use my stock pot, and seeing Kate from Jon and Kate Plus 8 make a bunch of soup for her family. Ah, well.

Making the disastrous soup meant I had cooking fatigue all weekend. That turned out to be fine, because my parents and I ran over to Beaver Creek so Dad could help me find frames for my new COBGC certification and my old CPC certification. I found some great matts, so they look professionally framed. Luckily Michael's was having 50-percent off! YAY! While we over there, we decided last minute to go to Kemp's Seafood House. I haven't been there since they changed the full service to a pick-up one. We all three ordered marinated shrimp, which was to die for. We had almost four yummy grilled shrimp on each of our plates, as well as good coleslaw and a bake potato. I love that place.

After we came back, I did (yet again) another brisk walk around the neighborhood. That was six days in a row of walking probably around a mile. I'm trying to get myself ready for impending trips, as well as weddings this year. I'm hoping to get to the point of jogging it! I'm determined actually.

Then my friend Pae came over to watch Tudors: Season 2. She wasn't feeling that great, so we paused in the beginning to do a Dairy Queen run. Then we started up the show and got through four episodes. Four out of ten isn't bad!

The next day I had brunch with my friend Nadia and her parents at Mimi's Cafe. She was in town from San Francisco. It was great to see her, but I'm also considering flying out to San Francisco in the fall, as a sort of solo trip. Never been there before! So, it was sort of an investment in my future in 2009. Nadia advised me to come in the Fall, which was what I was thinking anyway.

Then I cooked dinner for Justin while he watched the big NFL football game involving the Steelers. He tasted the disastrous soup out of sheer curiosity, but I made him my favorite shrimp/tomato/onion cous cous and roasted veggies. For dessert, I made brownies and did up some brownie sundaes, which ere awesome. After the football game finished, we watched Penelope and then caught the tail-end of the Golden Globes. He's very opinionated about dresses it seems! He may have, also, given us the key to Guitar Hero!

So a great weekend, filled with friends and (some not so good) food. Now it's back to the grindstone!
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