Excited about Cali!

Aug 01, 2007 16:01

HOWAY! Only 1 week left till im on ym way down to CALI! :D I am excited about this...#1, time off from work, ALWAYS a nice thing. #2, because I never get to see you all nearly enough! Well, anyways, I will be heading down on Thursday after work, probably stop and stay in Sacramento for the evning, then heading to bay area some time Friday, before Sushi, and stay for bash Fri, Sat and Sunday. Current plans are on Monday probably taking a drive down to Montery or Yosemite, although subject to change, staying Mon and Tue, on Wend heading back to ID.

All these are subject to change but thats tenative plan. Oh ya...I will be driving mi caro down! :D I am exicted about this as have not taken it on a real trip yet so should be much fun!!! Also, get to show you all my caro :D

Well, hopefully everyone will be able to come down here so I can see ya all!

Well, guess back to work :P

Talk/see you all soon!

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