May 25, 2009 03:29
i cant even explain how amazing this past month has been. and i cant explain how awful its gonna be now to try and get back to real life, because things like this dont last forever and ive put off alot of things in order to be with him and be happy. i cant even explain how amazing he is, and how much i care about him. in this little bit of time i honestly believe im falling in love with him and i really dont care what anyone has to say about it. this is the first relationship ive had where i feel like no aspect of it is really anyones business, besides the fact that im happy and we care about each other. hes everything ive wanted for a while, and i just cant believe how well its been going. it is seriously everything ive wanted and i just am in complete disbelief that its real. sometimes its kinda scary, but im extremely excited. hes so thoughtful and wonderful and makes me feel better about alot of things that had been bothering me.
i also had a really good 21st birthday. i got rather shitty the night before but the actual night of my birthday i didnt get shitty at all really. and i got to spend like three days in a row with jimmy. but i had like ten people at my party, which is alot more than ive ever had, and it made me feel very happy and fortunate and grateful that i have that many people that care. i am sad however at how leslies been acting. she didnt even tell me happy birthday and shes supposed to be my sister. and she didnt show up because she went to a concert. which is a bunch of shit. but its whatever ig uess. i cant force someone to give a fuck and if thats how shes going to be then thats fine. im still pissed at how she asked me if i was gonna fuck jimmy immediately like i did the others when she fucked her current boyfriend while she was with someone else. and concidering ive never done anything like that before in my life, she has no right to criticize. which i think that statement has lead to me feeling like this relationship is no ones business. im tired of peoples assumptions and their smugness about being right about me. what i do and who i do it with is my business, and everyone can keep their shit ass opinions to themselves. and i dont care what the fuck they have to say about it, im in a relationship, im happy, and if thats how theyre going to act then i dont need t hem.
i really should go to bed. i have to get up at ten to order my incubus tickets. i need to order mikes although he didnt give me any damn money for it. but i dont want to go alone. and im sure theyll sell out quickly. bleh. i dont want to go back to work tomorrow.