Jul 11, 2008 17:32
Why make a stock solution and NOT label it with the concentration of the compound in the solution!!?! Why!?
A Falcon tube of liquid labeled "MgSO4.7H2O" is COMPLETELY useless to me unless I know HOW MUCH MgSO4.7H2O is in the solution!! Is it 1 M or 100 mM or 100x or 12% or what? Cause I need 12% MgSO4.H2O and I cant trust using it unless I know!
The most annoying part is that there ARE stocks of ALL the compounds I need, they just aren't labeled with the concentration, so I don't know if they are the right for what I need!!!
Which means I am going to have to remake all these solutions, but not today. This will wait until another day. *growls*