I'm starting to get sty on my right eye. i just started putting a hot compress on it...white paper towel with hot water from the tap (lab water gets so hot it steams).
Anyway, as I was sitting here with the white compress over my white eye, I couldn't help thinking of Tigh at the beginning of season three and how I must look like him now......accept I'm a girl, not bald, and I don't have a beard.
I apologize for any typos. I'm typing with one hand, one eye, and no glasses.
And while I'm talking about BSG, I wanna pimp a new community.
bsgpassiton Its an icon challenge community to icon all of BSG, episode by episode, one icon per episode until you reach the end and start the cycle over. Like the challenge @
starttheclock that I mentioned a few weeks ago. So go check it out!!