May 11, 2008 13:51
so i just got paid friday and yesterday my mom, sis and i went shopping. having a good time, getting some new job clothes for myself, whoopdie whoo, and then my card gets declined at a store. very embarrassing. i get an email on my blackberry about irregular card activity. i call and they want me to verify the last 3 purchases. one was a dollar and some change at QT for a sobe. ridiculous. so i verify that no one stole my card and in fact i do go shopping and they apologize insuring that my card is ready for immediate use. i go back to the store and still declined. i call again. by this time my mom is at maximum rage and pays cash for me. i go to the atm pull out more than my purchase and pay my mom back.
all in all this happened when the banks were closed and they could not get their shit right so monday i will be in there face asking them to not freeze my card or what stores can i shop at to avoid getting declined when i have money in the bank. i hate cards. if it's not online purchases cards are really a way to control your money or profit from your mistakes.
i would not doubt that the banks are in cahoots with the gas company. all that back and forth driving you know.