Jan 18, 2009 12:21
I really must be running off. I'm planning on walking the Mall before the concert at 2:30, and it's already getting rather late. I want to see the madness that is the east end of the Mall before I'm standing there in two days, watching #44 get sworn into office.
I just wanted to tell the first part of this story, the first sign that Inauguration weekend is really here. We went out in Chinatown last night (not as busy as I expected), and while we were waiting for the Red Line to go home, it was announced that the tracks in the other direction were closed because of a "suspicious package." It was just an interesting reminder of how stepped up security is for such an important, exciting event. They're expecting 500,000 people at the opening concert, about 5x the biggest crowd I've ever been in (that I remember). EXCITING!!!