Who: Thomas Foster & Lizzy McKormick.
When: November 8th, 2009, late afternoon/early evening.
Where: Lizzy's house.
Summary: Lizzy invites Thomas over to learn some guitar, and bring mayonnaise pizza.
Status: In progress.
WARNINGS: None; probably future language.
It's time for a talent show. )
She watched him unloading the pizza, biting slowly onto her lip, and lifting a hand to rub slowly at her stomach through the fabric of her hoodie. It looked delicious, cold and old or not. When Thomas noticed her guitar, and complimented it, she smirked. "That old thing? Yeah, that's my baby. Well, one of them.. the other one is by the wall over there, beside the drum kit," she replied, motioning in that direction, but her own eyes falling on the electric.
Red, such a stereotypical electric guitar color, and practically coated in stickers and decals, promoting everything from general offense statements to promotions of her own favorite bands. It was old, second hand, and not perfect, but she did love it. She didn't think she'd trade it in, even when she was famous. You always needed your original guitar for an emergency. "I'll sell it when Butcher gets huge, and then crashes and burns.. once my money runs out, from spending it all on hookers and blow, I'll sell my original guitar, and make a cool six mill.. but that's not for a few years yet."
Pausing, mostly surprised at the compliment about her playing, the blonde looked uncharacteristically sheepish, reaching up to rub the back of her neck nervous. "Uh, thanks, asshole.. it's nothing special, just jamming."
Glancing over at the acoustic, Thomas’ eyes widened slightly when he saw the drumset. It was one thing to have someone from the internet tell you they were in a band, but seeing physical proof was kind of the coolest thing ever. He resisted the urge to start interrogating her about it again, but it was sort of a close thing.
“Hookers and blow, huh?” he asked instead, taking some mayo out of the jar and smearing it on his own slice of pizza. “Sounds like a plan.”
He took a bite of the pizza and chewed meditatively for a few moments before a look of food-induced euphoria spread over his features. “No problem, dicksmack,” he replied cheerfully. “If the rest of your band is as good as you are you’ll get out of here for sure.”
She laughed a little at his agreement to her plan, nodding slowly, and taking another huge bite of her pizza. It was definitely, so far, a win-win combination. "Always felt like a plan to me. It's like, what's better, right? And a rock star has a stereotype to live up to."
She could tell he was enjoying the pizza, too, just from the look on his face. They had hit official foodgasm, and in the most unlikely of places. This already looked like a useful friendship. "They ain't bad. Tammy is a really good singer, I think she'd rather be a model.. Wendy is more politics bound, Stan will probably go to some big college with a faggy football scholarship, and Kevin.. I dunno, he's really only a new guy at drums. We'll see."
“Have the rest of it if you want,” he said, motioning to the pizza that was still left. “I can pull the starvation card and get my mom to order more later.”
He considered blow and hookers in contrast to mountain-town life and grinned wistfully, sparing one last admiring glance for the collective instruments in the garage.
“Don’t even worry about it, man, ” he added with the utmost conviction, pushing some hair out of his eyes impatiently. “They’ll totally come around once chicks start throwing their panties at you during shows and shit.”
"It won't be long before chicks start throwing the panties, trust me.. we McKormicks, we're an irresistible breed," Lizzy added, chuckling.
"I mean, uh. How are we gonna do this whole guitar thing?" The thread unraveled from Thomas' sweater and he flicked it onto the ground, mentally berating himself for being such a creeper.
Swallowing her last bite, she motioned absently toward the acoustic. "Grab it, and pull up a chair, and we'll just fuck around, you'll figure it out," she replied. She wiped her greasy hands on her jeans, making sure to be thorough, and assured that they could hardly get any more dirty anyhow. Sitting on her stool, she grabbed up her electric, and watched him.
He did as Lizzy asked, handling the guitar carefully. Once he was seated, he settled it on his lap and gave it a look that was half-awe and half-perplexity. Not really sure what to do with his hands, he settled them on the neck in a way he remembered vaguely from music videos and looked up at Lizzy, awaiting instruction.
"I know, I can smell a fruit from a mile away," Lizzy teased, chuckling a little as she adjusted herself on the stool. She shifted her own hands on the guitar, putting them in on the body, and the neck, as she took a moment to think of how to instruct Thomas.
"Okay, hold the fucker do that the back of the body is against your gut, ad your tits, and the neck runs in length with the floor. The big fat string should be the closest to your face, while the thinnest one should be close to the floor.. uh, if you're right-handed, hold the guitar so the headstock points to the left, but if you're a left-hander, hold the guitar so the headstock points to the right, got it?"
"This okay?"
Pausing, she leaned over to a small bag beside her stool, and produced two picks; offering one to Thomas. "Medium gauge, not too hard, not too flimsy, it's almost always what I use.. these are kinda.. eh, they're a cheap brand, but they work so far. I'll get nicer ones when I'm buying those hookers and blow."
Cheap or not, the pick looked pretty awesome to Thomas as he turned it over in his hand, examining it quite literally like a kid would at Christmas.
"These are already tuned, but normally you'd do that next.. I'll show you that some other day, it's fucking boring," she added. "Do you wanna try scales first? Also boring, but it teachers you about the fingers, all of that crap.. sort of like a necessary evil, before you get to the cool stuff."
Absently, she strummed the open strings, her fretting fingers still bent above the neck.
"Scales'r fine," he said agreeably. Truth be told, he'd be stoked to do anything conducive to him actually learning to play.
"Okay, scales," Lizzy began, using her hand and fingers to show him what she meant, as she explained. "We call the thumb 'T', index finger is one, middle finger is two, and so on, you get the idea.. first, play the sixth string open," she instructed, doing so. "Now take your first finger, and put on it on the first fret of the sixth string. Hold it down, and strum. Then do second fret, second finger, third fret, third finger, blah blah.. and when we're done that, we'll do the same process on the fifth string, fourth, and so on. You got it? We'll play it at the same time."
(ooc: sorry this took so long as;lkdfn D:)
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