After reading the CM king and queen chart 2011, it's a no brainer why I feel like if I hate Arashi, I'll feel annoyed living in Japan now coz they're literally everywhere, and thankfully I'm one of the girls who feel giddy with happiness to see them everywhere, although a bit overwhelmed with too many Sho-chan but, that's not the point... so yeah, just sharing what I've seen from Tokyo and Fukuoka trip this year
I don't take that many pics of Arashi even if I wanted to because... it's not so funny to fangirling alone at public place (I can use 'I'm a tourist here' but I'm too self-conscious and my travel buddy started to laugh/pretend not to know me and my Japanese colleague
is not into Johnny's, so yeah) ... but it's quite interesting to see how different Tokyo and Fukuoka are in terms of Arashi is everywhere theme...
For Japanese maybe it's nothing because they see it everyday, but for me, the tourist from country who may not even know Arashi exists except when you go to Japanese embassy and saw the welcome to Japan CM played non stop, yeah, it's interesting hahaha...
Tokyo trip ~ Summer
You know it's summer when you see these:
yeah, it's the au-kddi catalogue for summer. I find it funny to see Arashi at Harajuku and SMAP at Omotesando. I just feel like I have grab one of the catalogs though I can only drool at those cute cellphones, I mean, who can resist 5 dorks in their suits looking kakkoii :p...
I took this pic at Kanda station (how did I end up there? Long story). That aside, it's the period when they advertised Zelda and I find it amusing to see Nino's face is bigger than the product that they're advertising...
This one is from the purikura shop at Harajuku that Aiba-chan and Sho-chan went in one of Himitsu no Arashi-chan episode. I didn't go inside because A. never really into purikura and B. too bewildered (as usual) with how crowded Harajukku is on weekend. Anyhoo, you'll feel Arashi is everywhere in Harajukku anyway because any idol goodies shop there put Arashi at the front display...
This one is quite common view in Tokyo, every now and then you'll see Arashi ads or other Johnny's poking around at some small corner somewhere and your eyes just caught it and me, the tourist, just take the pic while the locals around may wonder what's she taking, is there anything interesting around here? Anyway, summer 2011 is the season of Ikemen desu ne, so most of billboard is for this drama, not interested in it, so I couldn't be bothered to take pics haha...
And this is the wide spread advertisement for Gantz and it's just for the DVD... I'm pretty curious on how much wider the spread during the movie PR itself...
AU building at Harajukku... yeah, it becomes a ritual to take picture of this building since last year.. The spread is larger last year...
This one is from FujiTV, off course they have to put VS Arashi poster there... it just feel in some corner somewhere Arashi is there, and yeah, they're there...
Yeah, for the fun of it, I ended up buying these 2 books haha... I like Nippon no Arashi book, doesn't look like a textbook at all or the textbook standard in Japan is totally at different level :p...
Fukuoka trip ~ Autumn
This the typical view when you enter into ???Camera shop (something like Bestbuy) in Japan (including Tokyo). I just happened to start taking pics of it when I was in Fukuoka. As Arashi is endorsing Hitachi, you'll find any Hitachi products has Arashi's face plastered on it...
And here're some of the catalogs. I only take these 2 because I drooled at the washing machine (it's so hi-tech at 120,000 yen *gulp* and CUTE in design and Aiba-chan is endorsing it and if I live in Japan, probably all my appliances are all Hitachi's :p) and the fridge! Love the fridge! It's red, and the segments is exactly as what I've always wanted, too bad all these products are not available in SG, sigh...
This is still the summer catalog, I think, because when I was there, the tomokomi CMs are already on air, but I can't find any of those catalogs...
I'd think this is normal to see this on Japanese bookshop magazine section...let's see from this section.... Sho, Sho, Sho, Ohno, Arashi, Matsujun... if you don't like Arashi and every month this is what u see in typical Jap magazine store... LOL
This is what I find interesting in Fukuoka. I noticed I saw more of Jang Geun Sook than Arashi around and look at the idol goodies shop, they put Arashi on the back, not front, totally different from Tokyo's. And other than electronic goodies shop, I don't really see the Arashi is everywhere, except on TV. Now that's a totally different story because every time I flip a channel and it's CM time, there's always Arashi CM there that it's actually quite scary *brainwashed*.
Off topic from Arashi, I just have to share this:
This bookshop made a tribute to Kimutaku, so they prepared 1 whole table in front of the shop just for Kimutaku photobooks as you can see. How interesting....
Since when Johnny's is a music genre? apparently it is in Japan (this is not the first time I saw Johnny's has 1 separate aisle, and in this shop, they have 2, 1 for DVD, 1 for CD), soo, you have K-pop, J-pop, J-rock, international-pop and Johnny's!!!! LOL LOL LOL
So, I conclude that if you don't like Johnny's and Arashi, chances are you'll feel very annoyed living in Japan because they're just everywhere, literally, from billboard, bookshops, combini, to your TV, radio and other media, you name it, they're there.