Sep 21, 2012 08:06
I wake up reluctantly when it's still dark out. After a shower and some tea I get ready to go. I leave early so I can catch the bus that isn't crowded. The early wake-up is worth it. I get off the bus at Central and walk the mile and a half to the office. It's nice and cool and it gives me time to get involved in my music. I get in early. I've asked them to open the door for me and they oblige. I log on and browse Ravelry since facebook is blocked. The rest of the day goes by pretty uneventfully. I workworkwork like they're paying me, 'cause they are. I leave and walk the shorter distance to Kendall and take the train one stop so I can catch the earlier afternoon bus right before rush hour. By the time I hit the door I am exhausted. It's like I used up all my energy, willpower, and stamina getting through the day. I don't want to clean the kitchen, make dinner, do laundry, even knit. But I'm hungry. So I grab the first easy things I can find, which end up being junk. After a glut of fat, carbs, sugar, salt, and sometimes alcohol, and a bit of rest I can manage to rally enough to do dinner/kitchen stuff. But when do I get to work out? At 5am before work? at 5pm after work when I'm exhausted? I don't have the energy or motivation. I'm behind on other house chores. My feet are swollen by the time I get home from work and I can barely imagine running. So between the junk food dinners and the lack of exercise, I've put 6-8 pounds back on. I am not pleased with this, but all I seem able to do about it is whine.