(no subject)

Aug 07, 2012 13:19

I don't know why I'm so tired today.  I thought I slept fine and for a reasonable amount of time, I'm on stimulant meds, and I had a large cup of mixed iced tea and coffee.  I feel like I could go right back to sleep.  No exercise is scheduled for today.  I've had plenty to eat and plenty of water.  The AC is working perfectly.  Ugh.  I'm tired of everything; knitting, reading, cooking, video gaming, and facebooking.  I thought doing some chores would help me out of this funk, but after doing laundry and cleaning the bathrooms I still just want to take a nap for lack of desire to do anything else.  Fuck me.  I don't want to slip back down into The Pit.  Yesterday I cried during therapy.  That's rare.  I'm not even sure why I cried. 
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