Dec 30, 2005 17:07
Good God, I have gone a long time without writing anything. And now I'm too tired to recap my month. I'm still waiting on three of my five marks, which probably won't be posted until the beginning of second semester anyway. I don't even know the percentage grade for the two courses anyway. McGill, while believing in giving pluses in most letters, are curiously against the fine institution of the A+. An A could be anything from 85-100%, or so my student handbook tells me. So, yes: so far two A's and a 4.0 GPA.
Subject to change when my Russian mark comes out. Of course.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to second semester in a way I wasn't last fall. I'm not sure whether it was the stress or the changes, but it was a sonambulistic semester. I hardly went out, or read much, or watched very many movies. I'm not sure what I did do. And I'm not sure how I managed to spend so much money then. I don't drink! I blame the troika of food (to combat the caf slop), new degu, and yarn.
Speaking of Gibby, I'm worried about the little bugger. Since VIA doesn't offer checked baggage all the way to Guelph or all the way back, I couldn't take him along. And smuggling him with me on the passenger car wouldn't have worked since he was both loud and active. So, I got someone who was staying over Christmas to take care of him. And while she seems like a very sweet and responsible girl I still worry. He must be lonely! He might be hungry! Or thirsty!
I better not have kids. I'll only be able to send them out into the world covered in an inch of bubble wrap.
Now I'm depressing myself. And I was meaning to take advantage of my keen mood to write my New Year's Resolutions.
New Year's Resolutions for Life:
1. Get a job
2. Get out on a weekly basis, at least. Failing that, get engaged in the world. New music, the newspaper, all of it.
3. Spend much less money
4. Find a way to make goal three compatible with goal two
5. Emulate Sam: Neat, and studious!
6. Do something about the weight issue
7. a)Get my G2
b) Learn how to drive... a scooter! I want an old Lambretta. Want being the key word here.
New Year's Resolutions For This Blog:
1. Personalize the layout
2. Post at least once every two days
3. Take pictures of all finished knitting projects
4. Get up the cajones to post some of my creative work
The predicted success rate of these predictions: LOW. With a chance of profanity showers.