Nov 05, 2006 15:54
hi my name is molly and i'm fat and ugly.
thankgod i'm making a joke of this, right?
i somewhat miss living at home and seeing my friends all the time its really shocking how my perspective on someone can completely change in a matter of minutes, i miss the rupertz. and i can't wait for our family portrait hahaha. i just spent the past like... hour going through old livejournal entries, we were so gay guys or atleast i was hahahahahaha, back when betsy's username was br0kenbitternes woopwoop & people getting into fights on livejournal on a daily basis. Alice's apartment is bangiin! and i'm so happy shes comming to temple!<33333333 love herrr. last night me&britt went to the movies and saw saw 3 again with dowd and mike dillow then we went to temple and drank a little and she slept over, drove home this morning now i'm doing my wash and waiting for my mom to drive me back. i need to go food shopping.
halloween=MANGELED. @ lasalle
bloody knees, bloody socks, dorothy, falling on my head, little bo peep!, minnie mouse, mad cow, sittng on trast bags, no oxygen, CHRISTMAS SHOTS, crying to sleep hahahaah, even though i was a complete mess it was still fun.