defn of failure: look under day.

May 25, 2006 23:18

day- (noun) lazy bitch who needs to get her shit together.
ex:  1. stop doin habits*? (prob not gonna happen)
2. focus on school (HAS to happen)
3. start to care (needs to happen)
4. ditch some bad influences (oo its gonna happen)

so ya im pretty much all kinds of pissed, sad, disapointed, meh.
my mom (stupid idiot) came in at 11 p.m. to tell me i had a 69 D in math. 
now im all upset and cant sleep. is she fuckin retarded? y couldnt she jsut wait til 2moro. fuckin stupid. i swear. && i got a 58 F in chem. for the nine weeks and maybe just maybe i got a D for the semester.  not what i need to think about on my first day of summer.

i cant wait til i get my car.
June 20th.
only 25 more days.
wayy to long.

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