
Sep 12, 2004 21:42

That selling of the coupons was bull shit yo! i hated that. People were rude + it was so tideous and long ass hell! uhhhh never again. My mom wanted me to do ange's shift today cuz she's sick + wanted to paint her room. They went and bought paint today and it's all pinky + green now, looks cool. Yeh today i just picked up tina + we chilled around heartland. Bought some random groceries for mom, came home and chilled some more. Me and T were gettin some cracked ideas about inhaling the compressed air and then going to 'borrow' some from Staples. Yeh but then my mom was liek ok you gota do bbq now. BLah i made it and then they didn't even save any for me:( Cuz i left to go drop T off. Oh yeh we went to timmie's to see corey + then lick's for icecream. Ummm i might be lactose intolerant cuz my tummy seriously hurts all the time from eating stuff like that?? OMG!! funniest thing ever. I nearly peed myself. I slipped on my floor in my room but bumped into the door frame and bounced off into door + knocked me to the floor:S OH man me + T were laughing our asses off. Ok so mitch + i have been playing msn tag all weekend....i also had a fucked up dream last night cuz i kept going to different sleeping locations throughot the nite. MY dream went like this:

it was me, you, chantalle, ange + my lil bro +sis
we went over to these ppls' house that live near us..but u lived there. When we walked in it looked like your house...and then all of a sudden we heard some noises and ur lik eoh shit we gota leave I was so confused and i stayed with my lil bro +sis while everyone else was running upstairs. By the time we got there everyone was gone.

I was freakin out and didn't know wat to do cuz upstairs there was no exit, but you were all gone. And there were cops outside. Then for some reasom we were in a bathroom and i opened a random door + there were 4 miniture chiuwawa's + the mad mother barking @ me. Another door had 463453748 kittens behind it. Then everycame back

then someone started saying that BLADE was going around mass murdering ppl and the cops were helping Then we were all sitting on a couch talking but i was sorta like blah and they left except u + me. You were askin why i wasn't talking and i was all blah Then that dream morphed into another where u were all bloody n stuff + we were walkin away
so we were walking and got to this bridge, but only 2 ppl can cross it at a time. This old lady was like directing the traffic of people and helping them on n stuff. Before us was Georgio Armani. The lady was like "do you remember me? I was Cinderella!" And he was old so she was like ok whatever.

She helped him on and he sat stifly at the end of the bridge cuz it was like an island and this thing floated to the other side to get across. Beside him was his walker or something + it fell into the water right before he did and she just smiled Then there was a huge floating hamburger in the water and another random old man standing in the water next to the bridge.

The hamburger was coming his way as he opened his mouth and took a big bite. I think that was the end because that's wen i wook up laughing. While all of that happening we were standing together and i was holding your arm. Thats it i swear this time...THE friggin END

Ok yeh so that was it....long ass dream but he was like wTF that's messed

Anywho, i'm out ---school tomorrow>blah
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