school's almost done!

Apr 22, 2009 23:20

Wowwwwwwwwwwww one more exam friday morning then it's officially over. Sad, happy, nervous, excited, confused, relieved.. what should I be feeling? All at once now guys!
I'm still getting over my cold/allergies attack. I really should be calling the doctor to find out my ultrasound results, and maybe to get tested for allergies. What if i'm allergic to effing strawberries who knows! God I'll die if I am:(
What else is me up to?
I DO work @ shoppers now, zellers can suck it, too much drama but that's old news.
My new mission in life: Work harder! I have no fun like NEVER nothing EVER! So I popped my pub night cherry and went out last week for the event. Friggin awesome time, from what I remember and I won the limbo contest BOO_YAA GRANDMaaaaaaaaaaa!
I think I'm going to heartland this weekend to return some purchases, then i'll buy shoes instead. How they fit so much nicer than clothes! Can't I wear a big shoe on my blob ass?? Life would be a delight.
ummm... I lost my train of thought. Oh ya! I'm on a dance team again this year, that should be interesting. Brampton Excesiors, I danced with them before a few times over the past 2 summers but now it's official with a dance team and uniforms and all! Plus, I've got to get cracking on my exercise regime, I wish I could afford a personal trainer or 329472037942 dance classes per week:D I want to start a portfolio, get that going and see what happens. There's some fugly girls doing it, so I def can do it with practice and more confidence:S

well I'll post pix as they come my way if anything.. I have some on facebook but fb is sucking right now
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