Feb 26, 2005 12:18
10 random things u like
[10] my family
[9] shopping
[8] my friends
[7] the rain
[6] food
[5] music
[4] talking on the phone
[3] walks
[2] chick flicks
[1] playing in the snow
9 of your cLosesT friends
[9] LISA! :)
[8] sona
[7] mariel
[6] colleen
[5] erica
[4] ryan
[3] audrey
[2] kevin
[1] julie
8 things u DON’T like
[8] spiders
[7] school
[6] being lonely
[5] seafood
[4] homework
[3] getting up in the morning
[2] annoying people (pussy..haha erica, sona, audrey)
[1] coffee (but i love starbucks..a little ironic)
7 places you would like to visit
[7] wisconsin!!
[6] spain
[5] france
[4] ireland
[3] minnesota
[2] texas
[1] hawaii
6 places where you’ve slept in before
[6] my bed
[5] the floor
[4] a cabin
[3] a friends house
[2] a deck
[1] the couch
5 of your fave books
[5] the gossip girls books
[4] the world, my butt, and other big round things
[3] the sisterhood of the traveling pants books
[2] the graduate
[1] stargirl
4 thingS u wanna d0 before u diE
[4] go on a road trip
[3] fall in love
[2] get married
[1] have kids
3 ppl u wanna meet b4 y0u diE
[3] chad michael murray
[2] ellen degeneres
[1] mandy moore
2 eventS you will never forget
[2] 16th birthday
[1] first kiss
the 1 person you will always love
[1] uhh.. havent quite met them yet