
Sep 12, 2008 04:15

So I'm back at my parents' house again (about a month now).  Not too much is different.  My life is still everywhere.

My sister Alicia keeps saying she's going to move out, but she doesn't have the balls to do it.  My stepdad broke his leg, so he's not working. 
My siblings think it's more important to play sports than college, and my parents are letting them get away with it (tards).  I don't know... I really don't get much into their business, but I thought I'd throw out some random drama like that.

I'm still getting my finances in check (lolz at the pun)
I'm working at Arby's in Rogers and Calvin Klein in Albertville (i guess i'm stylish now?). 
My phone is still inactive, but my other bills are caught up! (insurance, car payment).
Those bitches in Monticello still have all my shit, but I don't feel right going there with the cops.  I think a traditional showdown with guns would be better.
My family has made it into this huge joke now that I'm gay (it's hyper-annoying)
I'm glad I'm home instead of dead, but I'd much rather be living anywhere else.
I don't how many people know this, but I was totally like in acceptance that I was going to die for a little bit. 
After living with some friends in Big Lake for a week my time there was overdone, so I ended up sleeping, breathing (not really anything) but I was just in my car for 8 days and 7 of those days I didn't eat because I didn't have any money.  So yeah, I guess coming home was the best choice, but I'm sorry for what's happened.  I don't know what to do about it, but I mean... I don't know.  This last part is pretty much useless considerring the people it's towards won't even read it.  However, I just want to state to the general public that I'm sorry.  I don't know what to do except say that.  I'm not going to state any excuses because there wasn't any for what I did.  I'm not going to blame her or anything.  I hope your dad's surgery went well and that there weren't any complications. I just don't know what to do.  I just want some hope.

ginger ale

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