matt's birthday

Jun 24, 2008 04:11

Happy birthday Matt! I hope you deliver me a paper someday!!!!
So Callie, Laurel, Matt, Reagan, and I watched the first poke'mon movie last night!!! It was probably the best flashback ever!  VITAMIN C! haha

However, I'm not feeling so optimistic right now about my life.  I don't know.  I'm tired of hating everything.  I just want to love something.  I'm kind of sick of acting happy and fun when I'm just miserable.  I'm tired of being just me.

I don't think i can go to CONvergence for the first time in 5 years because of money.  NICE SIDE NOTE!

So i'm in owatonna now... going to bed! Ciao!


Remember that you are your own person and that not everybody can be trusted.  Just because you live in a fantasy doesn't mean that you can't fight your way out of it.  Everybody wants things in life, and you can get what you want if you just keep trying and not let the world get you down. Remember that different people are your friends for different reasons and that you should prioritize the friends that care about you over the ones who simply like you (or even act like they like you, for that matter).  Use your head and keep your senses keen.  Read into things before you aggree to them, and remember not to take everything as face-value.   Don't judge on first impressions, they are often misleading.

There is more to life than blind ambition.  The people around you care about you even if you can't see it.  They want you to succeed, though they might not aggree on your objectives or path.  Don't worry if something you were planning on falls through because it happens to everyone.  If it was meant to be it was meant to be, if not it won't happen.  Don't waste your life on your one single goal because there is more to life than just one thing.  If you want to dance in a ballroom its the same as dancing in your own room.

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