i want my ring back AGAIN mr. lazzarra....

Nov 04, 2004 20:58

you know, this is going to be one of those apprecaiton updates. I seem to be having those a lot latley. but you know what? this is a good thing. Today, I went to carribou with Mattie again. Good thoughts seem to follow after being around that kid... :p anyways. that hour and a half plus a few other events this week have made me realize that I really really love my friends. here is a list of people that I ESPECIALLY love latley.

Mat: the best bro in the world
Mattie: an incredibly true friend
RJ: a guy i can always count on to be there if i REALLY need it.
Anna: This super awesome chica ive been getting to know... CANT WAIT UNTILL RETREAT!
Kate: The girl who will always give me good clean fu  that is somthing different besides the mall or movies... LOVE IT. (by the way, yes i wanna go to the summit...)
Rae: The infallible crisis best bud that has come to be more then a crisis bud. LOVING IT.
Dana: She never ceases to make me smile. never.
Amanda: For being such an awesome friend and helping me feel welcome at edge when i was new

These are people Ive been seeing or talking to a lot latley. heres people i MISS, and want to see MORE of. (hint hint wink wink.

Lara: first and formost, my best bud, always will be. babe i MISSS YOU!
Annie: You know, we hung out on mats b day and i had fun. lets do it again. and bring patrick. :p
RJ: yeah, you get to be on the list twice. WHY are we both so ridicuously busy?
Katie: Ms. Sass, the movies was far too long ago. and i have my licence. WE HAVE NO EXCUSE!
Troy: Stupid college. WHY MUST YOU BE SO FAR AWAY?
Aaron: Ditto. except your not in college and you've always lived far. I think ill call you tonight...

If your not on either list, I still adore you, but obvously we havent come in contact in SUCH a long time ive contracted a case of selective amnesia. CONTACT ME. I miss you to, whoever you are! well, probally. but i for sure love you, because i love just about everybody...:p

again with me sounding immature... whatever. I give up and accept it. you should to. :-p anyways. i cant think of anyhting else to write, so i best stop procrastinating and actaully do my homework now.

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