Okinawa Part 2. Mega update.

Oct 16, 2009 14:40

Its now October...and I havent updated the rest of my trip with Rin to Okinawa! I better get started on it then!

The next morning, we decided to go the aquarium. However before that Rin wanted to see the massive giant bridge that we saw on the way to the campsite earlier. So off we went!

It was so beautiful and hot! I love the Okinawan sea!

We crossed this...the view was breathtaking.

Next up was to the Aquarium!!! Which has the largest indoor tank in the world!

On the way to the aquarium we were greated with a steam fountain.

Coming down the esculator...all we could see was blue!

Into the aquarium and there was a huge touchy feely pool..where Rin accidentily didnt read the signs and took out  starfish...oh no..

Then on to the fish tanks!

and the fish!

and sharks

This fish was huge...and it had a funky eye...

It was big...and very very blue!

The tanks were clear and stuffed full of hundreds of fish.

and massive lobsters!

Beautiful Beautiful Fish.

Nothing like hundreds of clown fish.

Even the Jellyfish were beautiful.

We went for a coffee beside the huge fish tank..and I discovered Sweet potato ice cream is not nice...

This was the fish tank.... absolutly stunning.

Standing beside the fish in the cafe.

The Whale Shark behind me. (I was holding so many free phampflets that I recieved at the aquarium.

Whale Shark!

This is the skin of a great white was a really strange texture.

There was also tiny tiny Shark fetuses... these were from a whale shark.

Afterwards we popped outside in the scorching sun and watched a whale and dolphin was very exciting.

We also got to see the turtles being fed...most of these were really old...they also seemed to be having a fight over food.

There was also Manatee's!

Beside the aquarium you could go to Emerald beach..the beach was so pretty....and clear.

I think I'm truely happy in the sea...or on the beach...or just anywhere with fish and blue things.


On the way back from the aquarium we found the famous US army base. I dont know why they still exist here...but in there was a whole city of American people at the base...they had a pizza hut, pub, shop the off limits army base. The prices were even in Dollars. Of course we couldnt go in....but we were extremely nosy...

We had a quick spot of lunch...

Taco pizza :D Yum!

and then to Sunset beach for a quick swim.

The sun started to set....

Absolutly beautiful.

Around sunset beach was American Villiage. As the army base was so close, there was alot of foriegners around here and also alot of American import stores.

It was all very funky.

Blue Seal icecream. Yum yum!

I found a basketball player.

and Rin found a cool tshirt.

There was plenty of statues about too.

From Godzilla.

and a giant inside dragon.

We decided on a typical standard American-Japanese dinner

Look at those onion rings..yum yum..

mmmmm Chicken Avocado burger and chips! Much better than the Gifu hawaiin esque version...!

Then it was back to our campsite to get some sleep. Unfortunatly this one was for by the time we set up and ate our ice cream...we were fully prepared to sleep.

Ice cream of the day :)

After setting off...we had the wonderful adventure of Sea Treking to look forward to! Sea trekking is where you wear a giant helmet under the sea that is pumped full of air... just a walk down at the bottom of the sea really. So off we went. But before that we made a pit stop at the souvineer shop.

This one was special in that it made the sweet potato pies in the store itself.

Yum yum.

We looked out of the window of the shop...and found that there was a beautiful beach outside... Hmmmm..

We went exploring!

after a small walk we found the beach.

I decided to be adventurous.

But if you can see...I fell in and soaked my clothing on the way...hmmm nice dip in the sea.

yes...that wet patch is not pee....its water...and thankfully my phone was on the rocks away from the water.

After seeing the beautiful beach, we decided we wanted to go for a swim. So we drove to Manza beach to do so... Now manza beach is a really special holiday resort owned by JAL....we paid 3000 yen each to get into the beach and use the facilities... thats £15!! Slightly extortionate for Japan..but so worth it.

Blue....and White...Blue...and White... (this was back up clothing number 2)....

Rin was super prepared for seeing creatures at the bottom of the sea.


It was like swimming in liquid crystal.

Even my shoes looked good.

Rin was  about as graceful as a cat in water...

I also noticed that the boy cant all...

No eyes in the sun....

We soon discovered that by swimming out could see all of the coral and see life that diving would allow you to see! However at this point we realised we had been swimming close to sea urchins, sea snakes and also jellyfish.. we were very lucky and careful and watched the fish withou an injury...but we now know for next time not to be so carefree when running into the sea. Also that the area we had decided to swim in first was the restricted area that our 3000 yen beach ticket had told us not to go to...but we ignored it...

After an hour or so of dipping and snorkling...we had to head off to Sea Treking. Of course I discovered a new drink. Pineapple fizzy juice...yum.

The Diving was amazing.. We got the change to snorkle a little bit before we took the plunge and walked down to the bottom of the sea. We went about 3 meters deep but we got to see the fish and also feed them at eye level. I had a cool little camera which I could take photos with so when I scan them I'll blog them up.

Rin was a little bit silly and almost ended up screwing up. He was supposed to take it easy when going down the steps...but he freaked out and went really fast!!! Silly boy! But I cracked up laughing and then I couldnt breath so well. Overall a very funny experience. The tanks themselves werent that strange but the noise of the airpump was really disturbing.

After a short boat ride...we went back to the very beautiful beach to enter the safe area of the beach.

Thats the hotel beside the beach. Thats the safe zone too. I'm hoping to stay at this hotel in the future. It was beautiful. Probably expensive, but beautiful.

Then the sun started to set and we darted off to see the very famous cliff face, Manzamo.

As expected there was alot of people there...and unfortunatly we didnt get to see the cliffs so much as the sun had fairly went down.

Next we tried to compaire our head size to the cliffs.

It was a very very peaceful place.

With crazy tree's.

Afterwards we went to what we thought would be a nice restaurant but wasnt so...

However it was nice :).

That night we stayed at a very very very strange campsite... I felt that I was in a horror movie.. There was alot of local campers...but no owner to the campsite... There was also a pig in a cage...and everything left on.. It was so scary that we got up early the next day to leave...

Leaving fast.

Dont even get me started at the toilets...

scary beach...we didnt swim..we just ran away from it when we could.

Before we went snorkling...we decided to go to Ryukyu Mura (Old Okinawa Villiage). Which turned out to be alot more fun than expected.

This lil guy was scary.

as was Rin.

Traditional dress.


Old houses!

This little guy kept popping up everywhere! I have no idea what/who he was.

We walked around for a while...and then found a Mongoose vs Snake place... I was curious before...but when I saw these I was just a bit scared!

I guess this picture cleared up any misunderstandings about animal cruelty...

Ewww.....snakes eating snakes.

Outside Snakes and Mongooses were being kept... and no we didnt want to see the mongoose and snake show.

I did a silly thing and bought fish food for the pond.


Then out of nowhere this duck comes out and tries to EAT ME!

Go away duck...go away!!!

Duck Duck.

After the duck had almost all of our food for the fish (they didnt get much but went crazy for the food on offer), we saw a mini parade.

This act was very funny.

I just wanted to sit on him...even if he scared children.

But then..we all danced...except me because I dont lile dancing silly dances in public...

Suddenly this old granny comes out of nowhere with sake on her head!!!

Rin gets a hi five.

Rin got to touch a cow...making rice for sake.

Okinawa loves pork...and

After that it was on to snorkling! We got our wetsuits and we got very wet! The area we went to was very very busy and there was so many people around snorkling or diving. I think we went to one the bluest places on the main island..not sure. But it was wonderful. We fed the fish, we got to see a very very blue sea...we were there for a very long time. The coral was beautiful, the sea was warm and the sun was shining. I was extremely happy. I would love to go back and dive there. I also got to see some multicoloured fish...I was so happy!

I have some photos so I'll post them later.

Finally lunch! At a very very fancy restaurant. But it was good. This is chicken :)

We went to an outlet mall on the way back. Where Rin posed with some cars.

A Blue seal ice cream place! It was now or we had icecream.

So much to select from, it was a very tough decision.

So we got various flavours. I got blue wave and cherry :) It was heaven.

After getting back to the main city, we decided to take our luck and spend the night out on the town. We took a long time, but we got rid of the rentacar early (with alot of hassle) and went out on the town.

I got some dragonfruit!!!! Finally!!

Which was frankly...not as sweet as I thought it would be... I was disappointed..

I bought Rin a present... Goya beer...yum yum yum...

actually it was good!!

Rin decided I needed to try Sugar cane... just plain sugar cane...

Sugar cane...

It tasted like wet carboard that could...have been sweet at somepoint but wasnt. Overall a failure.

Lukily as walking down the street we found a hostel to spend the night in for 2000 yen. So it was off to the pub for a very cheap beer and food (just a local bar...but it was great!) and then to bed so we wouldnt miss our morning flight.

At the airport I was very disappointed to learn that...we didnt have a A&W burger bar in the I had to make do with some Convience store food...but it was good regardless.

Rin had Tako Rice.

I had a strange Fried Pork burger thing. Yum Yum.

Mango bread on the plane..

And then we were home...and Okinawa was again very far away. I'm pretty sure I'll take any oppertunity to go there again. I loved it so much! Okinawa is amazing! If you have the chance, you should go.

travel, okinawa, beach, japan, snorkeling, food, summer

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