A few weeks ago I went to Fort Augustus to go camping. We were there for 3 nights in all and all I can say is that it was pretty cold! But in a good cold way.
First off we went to Fort Augustus which is located just on the edge of Loch Ness.
Nice Locks for the canal coming out of the Loch.
Obligatory family shot :)
Robert hiding from the camera
Nice scenery
Out camping with some CAVA.
We went to Inverness for the day.
Dad in a pub in inverness, it was a nice pub
The next day we went to the isle of Skye, but on the way we stopped and Elin Donnan Castle.
Me and Robert
Family and castle!
Massive Mountains on the way to Skye
Lots of mini waterfalls
More big mountains! (these were all taken from the car!)
The port at Skye's capital.
We went shopping and bought very awesome multicoloured clothes and I got a bag for my birthday. Mum also got a jumper, which was expensive, but it was a very nice expensive jumper!
Then on to fish and chips and killer seagulls and we headed back.
The Nessie Statue at Fort Augustus.
Dad was cooking in his multicoloured scarf :D
Nice view of the loch
Then we went to Loch Lomond on the return.
paddling in the loch
Nice scenery and gardens
And nothing like some sheep skin rugs outside a shop.
It was a nice trip. We went shopping in strange little Scottish shops, ate like a pig and went to really small towns and villiages. I also played alot of DS with my brother.
And it was cold.