and the winner of the WTF award goes to...

May 18, 2008 10:29

Welcome to the most epic post of my life....period!

Yesterday was the A36 degree show opening. Basically I do art, and this is my last year, so we all pitched in together and organised a degree show to show our talents off to the world. Yesterday was the opening reception.

The past few days I've had my presentation (which went ACE), and spent every other waking minute sorting stuff out for the show. Surprisingly there was hardly anyone in the last few days...but everyone pulled it together, and this show was apparently the best one yet (no less, cos we're all awesome). <3

On the Friday the show kicked off at 2pm. But I went to lunch with my family (Aunty Chrissy, Dad, Mum, Robert) at the Quay restaurant. It was really nice, and for a change I had awesome wine.

Me and dad at lunch.

So after departing and then running about like a blue arse fly sorting a few odd things. The show was open. It was a sneak preview for the first two hours and then the actual show started at 4pm. We had everything running in the cinema so people could go and watch our pieces, then everyone was on a pc showing their work. I shared one with James, which was cool as our projects were like....the only 2D ones on show (bar tommy's game). I'm glad I stuck to doing it 2D. 2D is Luff.

So this is me next to my box and pc :) In the box I have shoes, a figure, a bag, stickers, postcards, a Thirt and a guest pass that I made. On the pc I had my animaton for the music video and various concept work. Plus I made stickers and business cards that people could take. Surprisingly most of them were gone at the start of the evening. One of the lectuers Mark took like 6 home for his kids, which was sweet.

We had loads of people coming through the show. like LOADS, it was packed for a good hour at least. But I'll get to the unexpected, shock of my entire life.

Every year we have awards for projects in forth year. I never in my wildless dreams expected to recieve any award. Not at all. Like why would that happen, I think my work is crap, although I do like my 4th year work, I do not think much of it in context. Maybe its just the fact that I have no confidence about anything really (yeah look at that...and I'm so loud too...), I just never imagined it. So when I realised someone was talking (I was in the back sorting out presents) I ran out and then stood relativly close to the front. However upon realising that I was probably blocking someones view who would be related to a prize winner...I stood at the back with my own family.  So Mary Malcolm did her wee speach, where she mentioned Lynne and Nomi and Neil and what they are all going to do/have done this year, which was sweet and then it was the the awards.  I pull out my camera, thinking, hey I should take a video!

And the first award from Real Time Awards for Visual Design goes to...


WHAT THE FUCK.  Ok so that was an exact representation of my face/body/everything. In saying that someone had to come to the back to pull me to the front cos I was a bit outright shocked. like RLY WHAT ARE YOU ON, CRACK? So I went to the front, and then still in shocked, looked round and wee clapping people. holding of course the only camera that my family and me have between us. So I get handed this piece of paper with my name on it and a piece of paper for 150 pounds. Then Mary shakes my hand and Inga goes to do so, except I just go ahead and hug her, cos I love her that way. Whilst still in shock, thinking again to myself, What crack are you on RTW. I just don't get it. Especially when I keep on thinking that a Games company no less, liked my work.

Which I still don't get.

So this is the prizewinners. theres Me for Visual Design. Tommy for Interactivity, Andy for Project Planning, Fury for Hannah McLure something or other and a very very well deserved Abertays award for Outstanding achievement for Neil. At this point Andy's phone rang off with his french ring tone and he answered and asked for Kiff to take it. It was hilarious.

So em yeah, I won a prize. First in my life art wise. Still in a WTF state. I got comments off of Brian and Belind later on. Apparently the guy came in on thursday and whilst watching the showreel thought my work stood out as it was very fresh and original. That makes me happy. Makes me very happy, that someone can see something good in my work, because I can't. Thought its funny, I manage to get comments about it after I get an award. (;_;) It was so weird, I kept on having business cards thrust in my face. HERE TAKE THIS.  It was nice though, but still the strangest thing ever for me.

Heres the serious version :D

Thereafter, me, Amy and Neil handed out gifts for the lecturers to say thank you. We got them flowers, Whiskey and a case of wine :D

And then, cos we love Neil so muuuuuch, me and Amy bought him a Pillow and got everyone to sign it to say thank you for all of his help with the show, the course, everything.

Nomi had to smuggle it out of my hands because my big bum was trying to hide it, thankfully Neil never saw this :D Neil never sleeps btw. So now he can!

Giving away the BOOZE

This was the booze....unfortunatly because I was talking to sooo many people...I got hardly any of it. However some of my mates said it was good... I think it was a ploy, give Jenny award = not much time to drink = no drunkenness

Rest of the night I spent mingling with lecturers...

Brain potter and me

Inga and me <3

Bantered with Kenny who hates me.

Showed my sensei the video and had a group photo with Jap students <3

Helped my gran unbreak the audio on the pc....

and watched floods of people crowd around the computers. In this picture it would be my family, but we had to wait a while to even get in to show my friend it O_O

This is the concept work area :)

My area <3

Sketchbook table...can you guess which is mine :D

Then afterwards, and after long conversations whilst still in shock..and hugging practically everyone.....we went for food at Counting House.

me and Cathal <3 Mulder and Scully 4Eva!

We then went to the union to get some drinks. We had two of the following...

Colin, Stu, Neil and Cathal.

Followed by buying the lecturers one too! Gregor bought me a pint. Awesome.

Mike, Stu and Amy

And Neil after messing about with his hair :D

The rest of the night we spent in the union with the lecturers and other random classmates. Surprisingly they ended up staying out with us for a looong time. Brian was plastered, Dayna was getting there and Gregor was on another planet. Me and Neil and Brian all had a long discussion in the toilet region, followed by group hugging with everyone and having compliments on how awesome the year was. Followed by the uber comment from Brian saying I was very profession this year in my presenations (could this be an A?)

It was amazing. The whole night was wonderful. Except for the part where we lost alot of people and then I didn't know where people had gone and then those sad losers that lied and didn't come out, YOU LIARS!!! Oh and the people that still owe me money....opps...

But it was amazing. I spent a large portion of the evening hearing the lecturers opinions of -That- relationship and they were shocked I was going out with him for 3 years!!! Looked like they were happy to see a few of last years students go :) It was funny. Oh and Dayna was class too, we talked alot about his classmates, who some of which were just weird. It was great. Looking forward to seeing grad ball now.

Oh and this is the wall of the exhibit with everyones drawings on it. It was good.

But yeah...this year has been the best university year of my life. I've put my heart and soul into my work this year. I've had no social life, I've tried my hardest and I've done rather well. I'm still in shock, and it'll take a few days to get over the shock. But I'm so happy about everything. Cept the fact I now think I should try harder art wise, as well it looks like people like it. I may be able to make a future out of it.

Awesomecakes. Cheers to those that were there, and Cheers to those that made it happen.

Also if you wanna go see it let me know, we can go together :D?

4th year, degree show

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