Apr 12, 2008 22:17
So recently, my life consists of few things.
I wake up, I eat breakfast, I get dressed and I work on my animation. I eat, I work again and then I eat again and work again and then sleep.
At the weekends, I work at Argos, which is becoming ever dead..... We have no customers...
And when I get to relax, which is rarely, I exercise, or I watch a film or episode of Desperate housewives and I sketch more promotional work for my project.
Life is well, predictable. Which is good as I don't have any time to do anything bar coursework anyway.
Although recently, I'm starting to get ever concerned about the cost of graduation... This was brought about by the letter we had to send back confirming attendence... In my head there are a few things that need to be paid for before I even consider what I'm going to wear...
Graduation Fee - 30.00
Extra Family Members attending Graduation - 10.00
Robe Hire - 27.00
Graduation Ball ticket - 30.00 (guesstimation, prob more....>_<)
Photograph's from Graduation - 60/70 (probably more than this I bet.....>_<)
And then...if I wanted to do what I always planned on doing since I was 17...... I want to buy an expensive dress. There will probably be two times in my life in which I will buy an expensive dress. Graduation and my Wedding day. I passed up on buying an expensive dress when I was younger for my leavers dance, so I feel that I owe it to myself to own an expensive dress. I just don't feel that it will be my graduation if I don't.
So I've seen said dress.... a beautiful turquoise full length ballgown, which is just too nice. The price... 150 quid... omg....faint and die...
Although expensive, I love it. So I'm now trying to plan my next few paychecks to see if I can afford this dress. However with the dress there will be shoes... I can get away with jewellery and accessories...but shoes...I will need. Plus as it would be a one time event...then I would need to get my hair done...which will be 20quid as my hairdresser is great!
Counting up my guestimations...this leaves graduation at the pricely sum of 337 pounds... without travel to Dundee, and Drinks at the graduation ball. Thats alot of money...
I don't earn that sort of money. (;_;). I barely earn anything...and with a loan payment of 40...its hard to imagine the cash coming out of my wages... So I've started selling my stuff on Amazon and ebay again, horrah!!
I think that at work, when we have little customers and I find a piece of paper around, I should stop trying to figure out my budget and how I can save up money. Its a good thing in practice and theory, but the last few days I have thought constantly about how I am going to find this money. Then, for some strange reason, I come across someone I know who has either, just got their loan or paycheck and are going to buy a ps3/wii/car/holiday/super expensive shoes and I wonder.....where do they get this money from? Its kinda scary. They probably deal drugs, yes...its got to be drugs.
So thats one recent thought I've been having. That and omg...I have to buy about a year or two's worth of clothes with in which to survive in while I'm away. Oh and a added, I want to be thinner for graduation... well not thinner, but I'd like to not have such large chicken wings, oh and maybe that roll of fat can go now..
So yeah, I'm worry about things too much. Its coming to be an expensive time in my student life. Right before it ends. And yet, it won't end until about November time, when I have the basic things I need and I can look forward to a payday that I can buy myself something with. Oh I cannot wait to be a working person!!!!!! Bring it!!!
In love life related news, Rin's internets been down for two weeks now, and I find it very very frustrating to not be able to speak to him over the phone to tell him about the job with jet.... Its been 2 whole weeks. He knows about it, but thats not the point!
My uni project is awesome btw....I'm very happy with it. Not that anyone will understand it or like it.... Its pretty awesome. And will probably scare a few people. AWESOME.
Anyway....back to coursework and then sleep and more argos..