
Oct 11, 2007 06:36

4th year is a pain in the butt. This week was pitch week, so I had alot of sketches and all sorts sorted for my pitch to get hardly any response.  Nothings better than something maybe? Got a few more responses to my dissertation stuff but nothing too helpful.  I don't like dissertation...its a bit of a problem.  That and proposal after proposal after proposal to write....better say hello to my English skills....(or lack of).

Stress is...high. I have deadlines that aren't course related which are a bit of a problem.  JLPT test is the 2nd of December (>_<) Thats hardly any time! I hope I can pass ok. I've been studying around an hour a day but I still think I need to up it slightly for the kanji side of things.

Speaking of Japanese....I think I've found a potential dream job for myself. I want to become a JET CIR in Gifu, which means I can go back around July and basically be paid for the things that I enjoyed doing in Gifu! Problem is my Japanese isn't -THAT- good, but if I do continue at this rate then I'm sure that I can reach a good enough level to cope. Just another 1000 kanji or so to go.  But yeah that deadlines up at the end of November so I'm working on my application for now.  Fingers crossed, I only really get one shot at it. That and the interview is in Japanese.....  I can cope, but I'd rather give them an even better impression of myself.

Also, being the stupid idiot that I am, I didn't remember that Japanese Spring holidays aren't April that I thought they were, just like my plan to go over in April is a bit up the spout.  If I can get my dissertation and project in a good state I'll go in March instead hopefully. We shall see. Just need to try my best!

Work front..its the pain in the butt having to work, but its not so bad.  I work Thursday - Sunday and then up to Dundee for studying. A harsh week but I finish at Christmas eve, so I can have a slight break then. Well aside from starting the animation then!

Otherwise life is steady. Its been a month since I left Gifu and although I still haven't fully returned back to the normal.  I guess its a case of doing what I need to do and get set up for the next few years.  I haven't been out with my friends or done so many fun things, but then again I have so many things I need to do, it can be but expected.  Better get them sorted so I can start to have the fun again!!

I shall leave with fun things.....Gachapin is awesome. He can do anything. in his green suit...please enjoy.

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4th year, jlpt, university

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