Jun 13, 2008 10:34
I actually remember my dreams more often now. Normally, I go for months without remembering a single one. Today's was certainly out of the common way, and so I feel I should share it.
This morning, I woke with the memory of spending time with Colin Firth. [He was dressed in Mr. Darcy's dark green ensemble from the BBC's (vastly superior) Pride and Prejudice. My favorite outfit of his, in fact.] We were in a house with many people, all strangers to me, and I approached him to ask if I could sit at his small table to have something to eat. He was polite and courteous, but I was pretty cowed. I told him that I was too nervous to really talk to him because he was dressed like Mr. Darcy. He understood and took off the jacket and vest, which were oddly one large piece and starched to fill out the same way no matter the physique of the person wearing it. He then took off a second shirt underneath, and proceeded to be left in a truly bizarre sort of multicolor striped leotard or woman's bathing suit, complete with little frilly ruffle around the waist. He refused to tell me why he was wearing it, although I was pretty curious. He did mumble something about it supporting him, but refused to go into further detail. [I suspect that my poor, pathetic imagination had burned itself out just putting him into such a ridiculous thing and couldn't come up with a reason why that would make any sense. Honestly.]
Anyway, after he was more normally attired, we realized that we were in a movie that we had both seen but couldn't really place. I eventually determined that it was an Agatha Christie mystery story, a Miss Marple one that I don't recall now, and so we proceeded to enjoy ourselves by always being where the action was and observing everything. It was pretty fun.
That's all I remember. :)