For posterity ...

Aug 15, 2008 08:49

Because I'm letting this blog be my record of the things that happen for myself as well as a window into pregnancy to those who hasn't done this (and possibly a source of entertainment for those who have ;) ), I'm going to record yet another weird baby phenomenon that I hadn't heard of before. The baby does something rarely that was making me nervous, but once again, the intarweb has come to my aid.

Sometimes, instead of kicks or rolls, I feel something more like a shuddering. It can last for 10 or 15 seconds, and I was getting a little worried that the baby might be having seizures or something.

According to Mr. Internet, this just happens and is likely related to the baby's nervous system developing and firing oddly sometimes. OK, I can accept that. I get twitches sometimes in my eye or leg or something, and my nervous system is supposed to be all done.

But, it still feels weird when it happens. Heh.

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