My landlord has agreed to take my deposit in lieu of the March rent. I now understand the advantages of dating a lawyer; if Egermont hadn't advised me about my response, I'm sure I'd have been the one who caved. I also learned that I could never be a lawyer myself. Some people get fired up at the thought of a fight, but I hated every minute of those negotiations. Clearly I need to get in touch with my inner Slytherin.
I have finally obtained the basic necessities of an urban lifestyle: a bed, a cell phone, and cable Internet. (The bed and cable won't actually arrive till Friday, but it's a relief just to know they're coming.) I'm also getting cable TV for the first time since moving to New York. Once I get a few more take-out menus, I may never leave the house again.
One of my colleagues, WR, had literally nothing to do today, so she offered to do some of Frisby's work for me.
ackerforte said she couldn't believe my luck. Personally, I think this proves there is a god, and that she works for my department.
And to round out the list of good things, "Closer to Fine" just came on my iTunes. This may be my all-time favorite song; even if I'm tired, stressed, or bummed out, it always gives me a boost.