May 23, 2005 16:08
last night was so fun nikki and coris grandma and there aunt and uncle came down from penn. so we wentto there hotel and nikki and coris dad just found outthat i smoke so he was like making fun of me all night it was so much fun then me and cori decided we wanted to take a walk so we went down to the water and put our feet in and cori was freaked outr cuz something kept touchimg her foot and i was like omg nothing is touching your foot then it touched mine and we like freaked out it was so funny and we were all sitting onthe bed and like her sunt was like tey found this huge whale in one of the lakes and dan nikki and coris dad was liek " shit they saw me" it was sooooooooo funny me and cori were cracking up lol i love there family........ today i woke up at like 1:10 pm it was crazy and i talked to devin for liek 2 hours it seemed liek 10 min's tho i have to work tonight ................ i hope alex is ok he had to go to tyhe hospital b/c he sliced his finger im worried i love you alex i hope your ok..... i cryed myself to sleep last night i was prying for go to help me and i miss my meme i was also talking to her it might sound stupid but i feel like my meme is always with me and i still talk to her its not liek she talks back but ya know i just lost it and cryed myself to sleep im confused on whatto do and im soooo lonely but i need to remember that i do have my family and friends ok well im talkingto alex on line so im gonna go i love yall xoxoxoxoxox love jaron xoxoxo