*does the narrator dance*

Dec 15, 2004 19:19

~*~AbOuT YoU~*~

Name: Lydia
Sex: Female
Location: Champaign, IL 
D.O.B: June 16, '88 (dude, I just tried to write June 22.)
Hair color: medium brown with NATURAL HIGHLIGHTS!
Eye color: choclate brown, but it depends on what light you see them in
Where were you born: Provo, UT, the same place as Josh...which is creepyish.


Nicest: um...Merry or Megan
Meanest: Sam, she's "the mean one!" 
Funnest: oh, man...Rachael, Rachel, Merry, Lisa
Wierdest(in a good way): Rachael, lol
Loudest: Merry!!!
Most organized: Sam, she's GOLD, just like me!
Most likely to be...
Teacher: oooo, I dunno...
Class presedent: Sam, I guess 
Janitor: dude, that's hard....COREY!!  heeheehee...
Bum: Rachael, *hysterical laughter*
Singer: Merry or Robin
Lawyer: Sam
Best Friend: Lisa!! (only 2 days and 17 hours!!!!)


Straight/gay/les: ...straight
Bf/GF: good question...
if not crush: ...

~*~HaVe YoU EvEr~*~

French kissed: nope
Stolen: from my brother and when I was little, yes 
Been called a hoe: um, not in a non-joking way
Smoked: no!
Cryed so you could get out of something: ummmmmmmm...
Been high: high on LUCAS!
Been drunk: no
Lied to your parents so you could go out: I guess, technically
used someone: don't think so...
Had sex: nope

~*~ThIs Or ThAt~*~

This or that: that, it rhymes with hat and bat and rat and cat and sat and GNAT! 
The country or the city: depends
getting high or getting drunk: or!
Blue or red: purple!
milk shake or smoothy: smoothIE!
water or milk: um, water
mom or dad: you can't ask me that.
brother or sis: ew, no me gusta mi hermano
canada or usa: canusa
pants or shorts: pants!!!
long hair or short hair: both

~*~FoR GuRlS To FiLl OUT On Boys~*~

Long hair or short hair: short but long enough to be flippy! 
freckles or no freckles: freckles!!!  awwww
boxers or briefs: boxers
accent or no accent: um, doesn't matter
sweetie or the honest one: both!
bad boy or good boy: neither!
light hair or dark hair: does not matter 
light eyes or dark eyes: either really light or really dark

~*~FoR GuYs To FiLl OuT On GuRlS~*~

long hair or short hair:
curly hair or straight hair:
light eyes or dark eyes:
thongs or panties:
bakini or one piece:
good gurl or bad gurl:
too attached or not attached at all:
^That ones all yours guys

~*~SoMe QuEsTiOnS~*~

Was this quizee boring? no, but it doesn't matter anyway because I'm filling it out to avoid writing my paper! 
What time is it? 7:08!
Whould you eva kiss someone of the same sex for 10 bucks? kiss Eva?  oh, wait, eva kiss.  Why can't you people just say EVER?!?! 
What whould you say to a guy who asked you out in front of everyone but you didnt like him? I'd say "dude, you're a loser, go away." lol, no, I'm too nice for that.  I'd probably just ask for some time.
Whats a major turn off of the oppsite sex? being an asshole. *coughhack*
Do you find it funny or gross when someone farts? I usually just ignore it.  Evryone does it, it's no big deal!
Whats better working or going to school? that depends...

first order of business, I'm gonna start using my other journal, icecoldpickles more now.  It's friends only, so if you can't see it, comment on THIS POST and I'll add you.  woohoo.

okay, so we got out of school all day today for the play!  It was fun.  Except I messed up and missed one of our scene changes...it was the one after intermission and that's the one where I have to change.  And I took too long, apparently.  woooops...I felt bad, but oh well.  Other than that, it wasn't too bad!  And getting out of classes was awesome, although now I've missed a day of history notes and I have a test on Friday.  I think I'll try to go in tomorrow morning and Friday morning and get a mini-lecture.  Hopefully...

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