Dec 05, 2004 21:20
I've just today realized how much time I DON'T have. And won't have until like, the middle of January.
Monday, Dec. 6: school, DRESS REHEARSAL for JATGP
Wednesday, Dec. 8: school, ORCHESTRA REHEARSAL that I NEED to go to but am not, because I also have DRESS REHEARSAL
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Dec. 10-12: JATGP PERFORMANCE
-Saturday: fruit arrival/unpacking/checking out type stuff
Monday, December 13: school, ORCHESTRA REHEARSAL, probably some kind of JATGP rehearsal
Tuesday, December 14: school, ORCHESTRA CONCERT, probably rehearsal
Wednesday, Thursday, December 15-16: JATGP PERFORMANCES during school
Friday, December 17: The Scarlet Letter Paper due! plus making up all the stuff I miss Wed. and Thurs.
Saturday-Tuesday, December 18-21: WARSAW!!! YAY!!!
Tuesday, December 21: TAB (Christmas party)
Saturday, Decmber 25: Christmas!
Tuesday-Saturday, Dec. 28-Jan. 1: PEACH BOWL
Monday, Jan. 3: school starts again
Wednesday & Thursday, Jan. 12 & 13: FINALS
aaaargh. and somewhere in there I need to buy Christmas presents, not to mention earn some extra money so I can AFFORD Christmas presents, do homework, SLEEP, plus like pep band and all that stuff, and my regular chores, and I'm already exhausted! oh, and we'll probably go to my Grandparents' in Iowa for Christmas. waaaaah....
Today was this morning, then I came home and used the bathroom and ate something, and then jumped back into the car to go to dress rehearsal, was at school for 4 or so hours, came home for a little more than an hour in which I ate something and worked on homework, then went to Youth group, and I just got home 20, 30 minutes ago. Oh, and I didn't really know my lines, hadn't made a least it was fun. mostly. shoot, I keep thinking of other things I need to do tonight! Too...much...brain...overload....damn, do I have a history test tomorrow?!?! ahhh, math quiz!! no!! ah!! I need to memorize the unit circle, NOW! *hits head against wall*