My wonderful, productive day.

Sep 27, 2005 00:55

It all started at 9am, when my best friend from high school called me and told me she is in a nearby town and is going to visit me on Wednesday. This is the girl who made grilled cheese sandwiches with me in the high school's lunch room, came home with me during spares to play "Marco Polo" hide-and-go-seek on horseback, and taught me to stop caring about what stupid people think of me.

After dozing for a bit longer, I engaged in my morning ritual of eating Honey Bunches of Oats while doing computer things. On a whim I decided to go on MSN, and my best friend from Cold Lake, who I haven't talked to in 2.5 years (neither of us know why) was on! We had a good chat, and then parted ways... her to lunch, and me to go see my horse. That's right, Kyna is in Lethbridge now, and only a 10 minute drive away! She was trailered her on Friday by a friend of mine. She was fine getting in the trailer, but once tied up, she threw a fit and pawed the floor until it smelled like burning rubber -- and I swear she put some dents in the side of the trailer while striking it with her hooves. This went on for an hour and a half as we tried to load her companion, who was to be dropped off at his home along the way. We later realized that she was probably suffering from a combination of separation anxiety because she couldn't see him, and fear of him because he can be a bully and we were trying to put him right beside her in a dark box. We finally gave up on loading him and Kyna travelled like a pro to Lethbridge. I rode her for the first time in a month (not counting an unsuccessful weekend attempt) and she was so well-behaved. She certainly knows the difference between business (such as trailer loading) and work (riding). The fellow who runs the boarding facility is Clifford, and he said I can call him Cliff or Charlie. His last name is Brown. Charlie... Brown. *sound of puzzle pieces snapping together in Sarah's brain*

After riding was a shower (not everyone wants to bottle the aroma of horses and sell it in a perfume called "To ride or not to ride? What a stupid question!") and class, where I daydreamed and filled in the rest of my mini calendar so that I now officially have no free time for four days.

Minutes after getting home, I was invited to go for a jog/rollerblade (the combination of which would be an amazing feat -- but alas, one of us jogged while the other rollerbladed) with Sarah #2. Again, I assure you that we are separate entities and that even if I did have split personalities, one could not jog whilst the other rollerbladed. Anyway, girl time = accomplished; weight loss due to too much endurance exercise = Sarah's pants falling down in a comical fashion.

A bountiful supper followed and I even got some cleaning done before heading off to work. Enroute to my destination, the highlight of my day occurred when I discovered that they have built up the new speed bumps on either side so that you don't ruin the suspension on your vehicle no matter how slowly you go (as it was before). I was so spellbound and gleeful that I nearly missed the turn-off to the parking lot! Despite this, I was early for work and the shift flew by as usual. The labs were not busy and I caught up on my Social Cognition readings and worked on my diorama for art class.

Skinner: Ooh, now we're into the dregs. Here's Ralph Wiggum's entry.
[pulls sheet off]
Pre-packaged "Star Wars" characters, still in their display
box? Are those the limited-edition action figures?
Ralph: What's a diorama?
Skinner: Why it's Luke, and Obi-Wan, and my favorite, Chewie! They're
all here! [to Miss Hoover] What do you think?
Hoover: [bored] I think it's lunch time.
Skinner: We have a winner!

The air was still sweet and warm when I left the uni at midnight in my stylish new leather jacket. It smells so good, and it reminds me of a tack shop. I remember going into a tack shop in England, taking a big breath, and sighing with relief at the familiarity of it all. This jacket, however, was bought at the hottest store in L-town.

Cop: All right, sir. You're free to go.
Moe: Good, 'cause I got a hot date tonight.
Moe: A date.
Moe: Dinner with friends.
Moe: Dinner alone.
Moe: Watching TV alone.
Moe: All right! I'm going to sit at home and ogle the ladies in the Victoria's Secret catalog.
Moe: Sears catalogue.
Moe: Now will you unhook me already? I don't deserve this shabby treatment!

While the highlight of my day may have been a speed bump, the cherry on top was certainly the hug and kiss. Aww! See, I can be romantic! *narrows eyes* Just to spite you... :p

simpsons, kyna, randie-lynn, sarah #2

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